Movie: Above the Law, 1988
Type: Action/Drama
Starring: Steven Seagal
Chicago cop Nico Toscani (Seagal) does a regular drug bust in Chicago, but he hears the suspects have been released, Nico realizes something is up. Nico's superiour tells him to back off and deal with the fact the drug lords have been realeased, but Nico refuses and follows them where ever go hoping to find the truth of what's going on. Nico is caught for desobeying orders and is kicked off the force, but that doesn't stop Nico as he hunts down the druglords as a one man army. The drug dealers become aware of Nico's presence, and decide to attack him by first killing his family and later Nico himself. Nico and his family escape from being killed, Nico digs deeper into what the druglords are up to, and finds a shocking link to the drug dealers and ex-C.I.A. agents. This movie was ok, but it lacked diologue, and acting. There's great action, but a confusing plot and barely anytime for the viewer to figure out what's going hurts this move hard.
I give Above the Law, 2 stars