Movie: Flags of our Fathers, 2006
Type: War/Drama
Starring: no famous people :P
The men who raised the flag after the battle of Iwo Jima are welcomed back as heroes, and the famous photo of the flag raising gives the country hope and fate in winning the war. Each soldier struggles with war flashbacks, racial haterd, and the media popularity. But for the soldiers, they all know deep down they're aren't heroes, the soldiers who didn't come back are the real heroes and all the fame, popularity should be given credit to them for fighting and dying for their country, not to them who just raised a flag on a mountain.
This movie was incredible, there was great action, great drama, acting, special effects, plot, everything about it was perfect. THis movies deserves a ton of Oscars, hopefully it will get like 6-7 Oscars, because this is the best flim I've seen in theaters this year.
I give Flags of our Fathers: 4 stars