Movie: Rocky, 1976
Type: Drama/Sports
Starring: Sylvester Stallone
Rocky Balboa (Stallone) is having a rough time with his two jobs, a club boxer, and loan shark, to make matters worse Rocky is kicked out of the gym after being there over five years training to be a professional boxer. Meanwhile heavyweight champion Apollo is getting ready for the championship in Philadelphia in honor of the United States on it's 200th birthday. Apollo is imformed that there is no one available for a the fight, Apollo decides to give a local Philadelphia underdog a chance to become the heavyweight champion. By a stroke of luck, Rocky is the one Apollo picks for the fight. Rocky quickly gets back in to training hoping to show the world that he can go from a bum to a star. This was a very great movie, the plot is excellent, there's great acting and very memorable scenes in this movie. Plus this movie also won an Oscar for best picture, this is a classic film.
I give Rocky: 4 stars