I was hoping to get more questions, but I guess I'm not as popular as I thought. Anyway here are your answers
soulless4now: My first game was Super Mario 64 for N64 way back in 1997.
kjata123: I guess pie is one of my favs, pumpkin pie is the one I like best.
diamond07: I'm 5 feet, 8 inches.
SR71halo: Yes the tree does make a sound, SMASH!!!
sbfullmer: My lucky number would maybe be 12.
sonicphc: I honestly don't know, but I'll take a wild guess and say saxophone.
bigmouthkid: My dislikes would be homework, little kids who scream and yell and annoy me, 3 kids in my class who are the biggest idiots you'll ever meet, and going to bed early on Fridays 'cause I got to get up early for football practice.