some of them seems like it was made by you or some cheap users
but you forgot the real fake Revolution
Nintendo Nexus
some of them seems like it was made by you or some cheap users
but you forgot the real fake Revolution
Nintendo Nexus
My 27-incher that I use in my dorm
My GC and brand-new slim PS2 (That thing is SMALL! It makes the GC look huge!)
I like this..microwave and a game:P
I was just wondering how come there was no sequel for Brute Force?? Halo, Fable, Mechassault, even Blinx had a sequel, but how come no Brute Force 2? It's co-op mode(campaign up to 4 players) makes every mission HIGHLY replayable(me and my 3 friends played each at about 10 times now), its levels are huge and graphics are really good and although missions are linear, you could choose how to perform each mission like either use brute force or stealth(yeah, you could finish an entire stage with just using stealth and its almost as fun as splinter cell only a lot less stressful). MS, whens Brute Force 2 coming out???
havn't played the game..can't even find it at GameStation!
the game is old and everyone has forgotten it
don't forget games take long to make, the more you predict it will make a hit the longer it will take
which means they may even be working on Brute Force 2
i was making a different post before
but I will just summarise them in a little detail:
the pics are great bu fake!
Dang that looks pretty good. Especially cheif, she looks great. topdwnshoota
Master Chief is a man
Cortana is the hot woman:P
Graphics doesn't really look neXt Gen:/
but happy the Assualt Rifles makes a return
(Q): Will Bungie developers bring Halo 3 to the PlayStation 3?
(A): NO! The only time recently there's been that big a defection was rare being bought by MS. But Rare was not a first party. Bungie is a FIRST PARTY. They are owned by Microsoft. Quit asking of Halo 3 will be on the ps3. Its like asking if Burger King will start selling big Macs
(Q) But I heard a rumor that (insert exclusive title on other platform here) will be on ps3!
(A) Sorry, your neighbor saying his friend heard it is not a credible source. If you're going to make that type of a thread, AT LEAST have a link. Heresay has no value.
(Q): When will the Sony PlayStation 3 console be released?
(A): Worldwide release announced in November, same month as FF12, Zelda 10, and the Rev.
(Q): Will the PS3 play PSP games?
(A): No. See, Sony wants to make money off the PSP. If you could play PSP games on the ps3, nobody would buy a PSP, and developers would have no idea how strong the fanbase is, and what acceptable development costs are.
(Q): Why is it called "Final Fantasy" if there are eleven installments and continuing?
(A): None of the Final Fantasy games are related to each other and all have different stories. The reason the game was called "Final Fantasy" originally was because Squaresoft was in financial trouble and figured that this would be their last title.
(Q): Will the PlayStation 3 be $500+?
(A): NO. Sony's greedy, but not dumb. Anything over 500 will completely flop. Look at the Sega Saturn. If Sony were to ask $500+, people would just move to pc gaming. If you're going to spend that much, you may as well have upgradeable parts.According to the consumer price index, I found that $300 back in 2000 (the year of the ps2's release), that $300 then is approximately $330 now. According to credible looking new reports though, the ps3 costs a whopping $900 to make, so I may have been wrong all along.
Prediction: The official range is between $300 and $400.
(Q): Was the Killzone E3 trailer gameplay and in real-time?
(A): No, it was neither gameplay nor in real-time. Guerilla reported later that the trailer was infact running at 5 FPS and sped up to 60 FPS. The trailer is only to show what Guerilla will try to make in playable form.
(Q): Should PlayStation fans be mad at Sony for being deceitful?(A): No. Every console goes through stages before its launch. The PlayStation 3 at E3 2005 was in its alpha stage, it did not include the Cell processor nor the RSX "Reality Syntehsizer." Final development kits, stated by Sony, should be available by December including the Cell processor and the RSX.
Also, the games showed at E3 for the X360 were running on G5's rather than real X360 hardware. All the companies pretty much do it.
(Q): Am I required to purchase an HDTV in order to play the PlayStation 3?
(A): No. You will be able to play the PlayStation 3 on SDTV as well as HDTV. The same can be done with the Xbox 360. However, the ps3 is alleged to have the best HDTV support of any of the next gen consoles, and it is expected that when the government cuts off the analog t.v. signal around 2008 and switches to the digital signal that HDTV prices will fall drastically. Even if you don’t have an HDTV now, you may very well have one at some point during the ps3’s lifecycle, and its good to know that HD features will be fully supported.
(Q): Is it true that the PS3 will be region free?
(A): The system is modeled so that it is, but the XBOX was too, and some developers chose to make their games either PAL or NTSC only. The system will only be truly region free if Sony adopts a policy that only region free games will be allowed on their system. And there's no word yet that they've adopted such a policy.
(Q): Would it be ok if I went to the XBOX 360 forum and informed them that the XBOX 360 is the suckzorz, while the ps3 ownz it!!!!11111
(A): No. All overt displays of fanboyism outside of the System Wars forum will lead to suspensions.
(Q): What is the word on backward compatibility?
(A): Despite the complications that switching from a self made graphics chip to an Nvidia one poses, Sony is reporting that all but a small handful of ps2 and ps1 games will be playable on the ps3.
(Q): What are the ps3's specifications?
(A): A full list of ps3 specifications can be found here:
(Q): What do the ps3 and its controller look like?
UPDATE: Due to backlash over the "boomerang" design, Sony has confirmed that they're in the proicess of a controller redesign.
(Q): How's the online setup going to work?
(A): Very similar to the universal system with different payment options that Micorsoft uses for its XBOX Live service.
since when did your @ss became a cheap m0d?:P
*Special Thanks to M4sterChi3f for clarifying answers and helping with formattingMarkSmith
Looks like we need to contain talk about the controller as well, so please, give a hoot. Don't polute. :wink:JustPlainLucas
since when did your @ss became a cheap m0d?:P
Because the damn cheap console, doenst have all sweet multiplatformed games and nearly all games are kiddy
I can never see 18 game >:@
I recommend you get this games
Unreal Championship: plays just like UT2003, if you can't play the ut2003 (pc version) this is your choice!. Also the online plays good! But sadly the game isn't really good compare to UT2003 and not many people play vai system link or Xbox live.
I say you should get it:
Unreal Championship2: Liandri Conflict: If you don't have this game, you are truley missing out, the adrenaline rush and full pack action. You play either in third person mode or first person. NOTE THAT you have to use both for tactics. Third Person mode is basically melee attack also lets you see a bigger view aswell as using weapons. While First Person, you can only use weapon. You can perform cool adrenaline skills, each character has his/her own unique skills, also perform some great acrobatic moves. The game as lots of gameplay like Team Deathmatch, Overdose all cool. If you prefer single player, this single player will keep you going for days!
Sadly, less people are playing this game on xboxlive, but the less people are getting too good. You have people who are still playing this game since it came out, this give you a bigger challenege for you!
Spartan: Total Warrior: if you like hack n slash, devil may cry style, samurai 20xx style. They you should get this sweet violence game! You play with a cool guy, the more you kill, Ares will cheer you up and it feels good. You get to pull out different combo and moves. Although they are repitative, but it doesn't get repitetive when enemies surround you. The game is also funny, with the weak voice acting and when enemies die (buring with flames). The visual effect is just great! Cool boss battles.
Some unlocks for you. Also not only using weapons, you can use tactics, like explosive barrels and even shooting machines to kill.
No 2 player which is the sad thing, but you can play challenging Arean mode and replay single player missions.
Shemue 2: First of all, if you want a better realistic game than GTA: San Adrensea. I suggest you get this. It's a RPS Adventure. You view in a Third Person mode. The graphics is great especially on xbox (although its originality is on Dreamcast) but xbox graphics makes it great. You can change the camera's colour from serpia to black and white, even take screenshot at any part of the game and sort them. I mean any part of the game, the whole game even fmv's and cutscenes. The best thing about this game is the sweet QTA: Quick Time Action. Cutscene will be playing, suddenly something happens, and the game requires you to press some buttons on the pad. Trust me, when I say realistic game, I do mean REALITY! However this game is set in 1980's. In reality you can:
go to super markets and buy stuff
go to fortune tellers, to tell your life
play games at the arcade
look for jobs and even work for part time
time moves real, from day to night, and also with the clock!
talk to anybody
train at open free space
Just think of all the reality things you can do in 1980 and it is captured in this sweet game!
In Shenmue 1 for Dreamcast, you can connect to the internet. Unfortunately, this game features no online, not even for xbox live. But the good thing is: it as some feature lenght cutscenes off Shenmue 1 and your collection of galleries. Oh yea you can play some mini game that you have progress through the game.
d00m 3: if you are truely looking for a scary game, I mean scary game not like Resident Evil. But a sary game like Forbiden Siren and Fatal Frame. Also if you wanna try something new and play it on a First Person Shooter. I sugges you should get this game!. The graphic is good, full shadow shaded graphics! This is the evolution engine where Quake 4 got it's graphic's from. The game plays like classic d00m, but more advance changes. The game is just scary! The sound effect is really good, each thing you see in the game as it's own sound effect. Like looking at a acid dripping down, move closer to it, and you will hear it!
The scariest part of the game is, you suddenly see unexpected flashes, which will totally freak and and wrost of all...YOU GET TO JOURNEY THROUGH HELL IT SELF! I mean Hell...with demons and stuff
Weapons are cool so are the cool looking demons and boss. The online is good but weak, it is better to play co-op instead! Cooperative mode for the campaine single player mission, in co-op things get really actiony than the single player.
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