GM Mode? Where did you go?
by xeroker85 on Comments
From the days of Royal Rumble on the MegaDrive ( what is a sega genesis anyway), to the days of No mercy and Legends Of Wrestlemania, Wrestling games have been the contant theme to collect dust on my shelf from old to new consoles. From Wcw vs Nwo Revenge, i have always kept up my own "season mode", by writing down on paper matches that i preformed from tv shows too ppvs for a whole year. On the 64 came wwf wrestlemania 2000, i had my own version of the wwf sprouting from 199-2003, every single match was played and every PPV was recorded. SO it was a joyful day when i noticed something called a GM mode in the wwe's 05 release ( smackdown vs raw 06). The mode gave me a yearlong template to simulate my own wwe. I have to admit that i was a bit annoyed about only having a roster of 20 wrestlers to churn out ,matches each week, but it was still a blast and the o7 release made it more interesting by making it more competetive against the opposing brand, even if that other brand did resort to have gimmick matches every 2nd match to get high ratings. wwe smackdown vs raw 08 lifted the game, by making the off days where there wasnt a show, even more important. Builinf popularity was easier and more realistic, by not only training your future star with mic skills but also exposing him to the public via autograph sessions. But alas, my hope that the mode would flourish even more was shot down over the skies of melbourne, as 09 failed to even include the mode. I understand that the mode was'nt as popular for the magority of the fanbase, but common i dont want to resort to writing on paper again. Please THQ , Please Yukes, include the mode that time forgot in this years edition. Xeroker out.
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