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Ok, I'm finally there.

After much ranting, video watching, and review reading, I'm FINALLY able to make myself of some use, and write some reviews, a mediator (Level 3). So you can expect to see me trolling around gamespot, and writing reviews.

Sh**y ass gamers that MUST DIE (shoots lightning)

Some times, you see a guy that plays video games, and ask him if he's a gamer. He answers yes. Then you ask him what galaga is, he answers,"What's that?" These, are what I like to call "Fake Gamers". Fake gamers are gamers that THINK they are gamers, but wouldn't even recognise the NES. Often, these fake gamers think that games with bad graphics must suck. I say, are you retarded? MARIO BROTHERS BIT**! These gamers don't respect classics and sit next to their X-Box 360 and play Gears all day long. The next time you see a "Fake Gamer", falcon punch them.

Perfect Dark and Goldeneye

Ok, today, I'm going to talk about something that's been buging me for a long time.

Gondeneye is said to be the best fps out there, but I say,"What about PD(Perfect Dark)?". It's boggled my mind for years how anyone could think gondeneye is better. PD has more features, can have more bots fighting in multiplayer, has real voice acting instead of crappy text, and has a much better way to switch out wepons by makeing use of a screen that comes up and alows you to highlight the wepon you want, release the A button, and you get your wepon, instead of scrolling through all those wepons just to get to that grenade launcher(Very anoying:evil:). But STILL people chose Goldeneye! Why is this? Someone please tell me. If I spelled anything wrong that's too bad I'm fealing very lazy.

Have I leveled up yet? Please?