xhellcatx / Member

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2 new games and ... glitchspot? ... my sister is

Ok gamespots been glitching for me i think. All my messages in my inbox are deletified, and some of my comments for my blog are gone too i think. O_o Is this happening to anyone else?

I found out yesterday that my friend/sister in law has colon and rectal cancer... and its spread to a kidney.. and shes already at stage 3. ....... And she didnt know she had it before. This has just happened like within the last 2 weeks here. Her ex husbands being a total jerk, they have a kid together and he recently had drunkenly drove a snowmobile and killed someone on it. So vehicular manslauter. And hes going to have papers served on her for being an unfit mother cause shes in the hospital with cancer..... well... her parents are taking care of their son, and they have pretty much since hes been born. So.... things arent awesome with that. She also has another little boy.. my nephews... they are so precious. I cant let them get hurt in any way. I dont know how shes going to pull through this, to be honest.. I need to do more research about it to see if shes got any chance... but.. *shakes head* .... Cancers really starting to piss me off. First my best friend Rae Lynn.... Then my mom.. now my "Sister" ..... yea.

So i got 2 new games as title stated. Gears of War, and Call of Juarez, Bound in Blood. I was about to buy Red Dead Redemption but.... I didnt wanna pay that much for it :| Call me cheap, but meh.

Had to take my youngest to the ER yesterday, she had been bitten by a wood tick and it got real red and swoolen and puss was coming out of the spot the next day. So to the ER we went and now shes on some... pink medicine for it. Today it looks much better already!

I have been helping my dad cut down trees, hauling lumber, and basically half sweating to death out in 90 degree heat. YAY.

My ex went to the UK thismorning. Good riddance. Jerk.

Oh and a bearing is bad in my A/C clutch :| when will it end? .. I suppose when I get a newer car, huh?