Well, I have been ultra extremely busy. Lots of homework, and I just started my first class in Human Services, so thats kinda exciting! ... Something I noticed though, my whole class consists of females. Sort of weird but I guess I can understand... maybe. To a degree. Maybe its just my class thats all female. Who knows?
Anyhow, my grades for my last 2 classes sucked. I really let myself down with them. I got a flippin C+ in essay writing... but I got a B+ in Critical Thinking. Everyone told me Critical Thinking was harder. Well really, I was just having a hard time focusing on my topic in Essay writing. That and it took a bit for the whole concept of APA citation guidelines to kick into and stay inside my brain. ... Late assignments dont help the grades either. .... Dont think that I gave up or anything... cause .. er.. well.. yea. I guess I kind of did. I got depressed over like everything. Im a tad lil bit better right now but eh.
Just had my first 'dating' anniversary with my boyfriend. Its been an up and down year, but we are still together, and I care for him more then any guy I have ever cared about. Everything is different with him... in a good way.
My boyfriends been pretty busy for the past few days with work and such, so that has given me some free time to spend on the xbox, after my parents go to bed (provided they do actually go to bed). I have gotten the will user or whatever on Fable 2. Yaay. Im close to owning almost all the houses and shops in bowerstone market, too. yaaay again. Im also a master blacksmith *flexes*. And my chick has a halo ^_^. I plan on doin the game all over again, and making her pure evil. After I finish of course. Then, after the Fableness, then it will probably be assassins creed (the first one). I used to have it back home, but yea. So i picked it up from walmart last time I was there... but the ex is moving back up here the 14th and hes going to be returning to me all my games and movies. Dont know what condition they will be in, and which ones he hasnt sold.. but I dont wanna open the new assassins creed till i see the old one i have, cause if its not scratched up and works fine, may as well trade the new one in for a different one. :)