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xhojox Blog

I am Nostradamus on a lesser degree

So yesterday was a good day. A person very close to me only got 3 years of probation instead of jail time, which is a huge relief. I am not going to say the crime because people always take stuff the wrong way and don't listen to both sides of the story before judging someone. Plus no one even reads these so its not like it matters. I just like to vent and collect my thoughts on a daily basis. Anywho, no jail time for him which is GREAT. Hopefully **** can get back to the way they were in an older life.

Now on to the title of the blog. Last night I had a dream about a tornado. Guess what happened over night? Some pretty bad tornadoes hit and people died. Its like some crazy Final Destination **** going on up in my head. I do wish the people that were effected by the tornados the best of luck.

Now on to Sony. I never thought I would say it, but I wash my hands of you good sir. I have bought and used your products religiously for 13 years. The way you handled your "hacking" problem is down right disgusting. You don't wait a week to tell people all of their information has been compromised. You have really done wrong in my eyes and I will not be buying anything Sony related ever again. The only other company to blacklisted by me is Apple because of the way they handled their Iphone 4 problem when it launched. (Hey consumer who just paid $500 for our new phone. If you are a left handed user, then you have to buy an extra case because of our faulty design. Our bad guys.) They have since then fixed it, but it was still a horrible solution. But guess what Sony, yours is even worse. So congratulations on being the #1 blacklisted company in my books.

-Love your former fan, xHojox

Portal 2

One of the best game I have played. I love every minute of it. So brilliant I want to play it again. Buy it pls kthxbai

Less gaming means more gaming?!?

So today my World of Warcraft time expired. I haven't paid for that since February. My account was hacked, and the hacker renewed it. I found out about it the same exact day thanks to my friends. So I got a free month of game time. Now that my time is up, I won't be renewing for a while. My buddy owes me a week of game time and hes going to renew it for me on Friday.

What does this mean? I play wow usually from 50-80 hours per week. I will not be playing games as much without wow, but I will be on more games, and having more fun. Today I have played San Andreas, and Portal 2 which is really good btw. I am only on chapter 2 atm, but I was having a blast. I also will be getting back into Starcraft 2 pretty heavily.

So to sum up this post. Less is more.

I feel sick

Today I felt like complete garbage. I didn't get any sleep because my moms boyfriend was drunk. Ive been up for about 24 hours and I have felt really sick too. I didn't really play too many games. I hoped on WoW for a little while. Did a WSG then died to my friend in a duel in about 2-3 seconds. I don't want to play that game anymore. I think I am just going to keep it chill with my games like Left 4 Dead 2 with yello or something. Nothing too competitive. I played GTA San Andreas on my desktop today. It looks way better then the ps2 version.

I completely forgot about Gamespot

So after a year and a half of inactivity, I have finally decided to be active on this site again. I have no source of gaming news, and I don't want to keep pestering my friend to tell me whats going on in the gaming world. Recently I have been crazy addicted to Starcraft 2. I hated RTS games until I discovered Starcraft 2. I spend almost my entire day watching, studying, or playing it. Granted I suck at the game, and it is mad depressing to lose non stop at it, I still generally enjoy it. I started playing WoW again recently too. I've been trying to start a guild, but it seems like everyone is already in a guild, and aren't willing to leave them because of the perks. Not that I blame them. I missed out on my chance to start a guild when Cataclysm first came out. I feel like its too little too late. Besides that, I have pretty much been chilling. Since the last time I've posted here, I have built my second PC. It is a biblical beast, and can run any game on max graphics. I love it so much, and have been spending all of my time on it, neglecting my consoles. I have also gotten an Xbox 360 as well. I don't play that much anymore. My friends filled my head with empty promises of playing games with me. It turns out that I only played with 3 out of 20 of my friends who added me. And they barely even played. My xbox live time is up, and I am not going to renew it at all. I use my xbox for streaming shows to my television and that is it. I have been having the desire to go back to playing my ps3 recently. I honestly haven't used it to its full potential. I have 5 games for it, and I have only truly played 3 of them. Mortal Kombat looks so amazing. I am pretty convinced that I am going to buy it for the ps3. Other then that, I really haven't been playing much. I bought Grand Theft Auto 1,2,3,Vice City,San Andreas for the PC, more or less so my brother could play it on his laptop. It was only $7.50. I now own then for ps2, xbox, and PC woot woot! I really don't play many games anymore. I find myself getting gamer A.D.D. and quitting. Hopefully that will change.

Absent/Adding games

I haven't been on in a few days. I'm sick and the last thing I felt like doing is typing things. I'm still sick but I figured I would update some things because I'm back at my dad's house now.

I'm going to be adding my PC games to the list, and tomorrow my SNES games as well.

Grand Theft Auto III opinions

This is another game that I feel very strongly for. This was the first Playstation 2 title I ever owned. I have played it so much. I'm glad they don't keep track of total amount of time played, because it would be embarrassing. The most recent time that I beat it, I beat it 100%. I did everything. That was really hard to obtain. Oh and I also did it with 0 deaths, and 0 arrests. Before you declare shenanigans, and yell cheat codes, no I didn't use any cheat codes. I don't believe in cheat codes at all. I think that while they are fun, they ruin games, especially if you use them the first time you've played the game. The way I did it, is if I died (which happened a lot), I would reload the game and replay it. I also have a youtube video, and a picture to prove that I actually did it. I'll link the video at the end, and I'll see if I can upload the picture to my account here since I'm level 3 now. I think that's the level that allows you to use pictures :S Anyways, if you haven't played this game, it is a MUST! This game has single-handedly revolutionized video gaming. It is a pure classic. It is definitely in my top 10 favorite games, probably ranking at number 2. BUY THIS GAME!

Edit:I forgot the links. Video ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHX2LHlMHJo

Picture -----> http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h179/jimmypoplookalike/PIC_1773.jpg

First Review/Opinions/Sick

So I just wrote my first review on a game. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be, because I was giving facts, and not spit opinions the whole time. It is quite difficult to fill up without saying "OMG THIS GAME IS AMAZING!$!@%." But now, I believe I have the hang of it. I'm only going to be reviewing games I have beat within the past year or so. So I am eventually going to replay all of my games. I really can't wait to do that haha. I have quite the collection.

Now I suppose I can post my opinions on Final Fantasy VII since this is my blog. If you haven't played this game, GET IT NOW!!!!! This game is completely amazing. Amazing storyline. One of the best games I have ever played. If I were to compose a list of best games I have played I know for a fact that it would be top 10, and probably top 5. The battle system is great. I am a sucker for turn based RPG games. It allows you to fully think your moves and decisions out 100% before executing them. I just can not emphasize how good this game is. You can't put it into words. This time recently, was my third time playing it all the way through to the ending. I've also played it many many other times, just not all the way through.

Today I woke up with a bad cold. I have no idea where it came from o.O I usually don't get sick. It really sucks, but I guess I'll get a lot accomplished today on this website, now that I can finally do reviews. I guess that's it for now.

New to Gamespot/WoW rant

I finally decided to try Gamespot out. I think it's really cool that you can write reviews on video games. I was kind of already doing that on Myspace but it was pretty lame. This way seems a lot more easier. Anywho, I recently quit WoW about 2.5 weeks ago. Now I have too much free time since that pretty much ruled my life for over 2 years, on and off. They have pretty much ruined that game so I figured now is the best time to quit. I don't like how they are just redoing all of their old content. It's like they don't have any more good ideas left. They ruined Naxxaramas, and now Onyxia's lair. They also ruined the game with patch 3.2. They made level 200 epics farmable in regular Trail of Champions, leading to lots of abyss shards, ruining the economy of the auction house. Also they made level 219 epics available in heroic Trial of Champions. Lastly, they made tier 8.5 available to buy with badges. That made all the work people did in Ulduar 25 worthless. I don't like the fact that WoW is trying to degrade itself so the bad players can do end game content. Instead of appealing to the more skilled gamer and making challenging content, they are money hungry and just want more new, bad players, to feel like they are good. Anyway enough about WoW. I quit and now I'm happy. I guess I'll hop on here sometime soon and make another blog.