xhojox / Member

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I completely forgot about Gamespot

So after a year and a half of inactivity, I have finally decided to be active on this site again. I have no source of gaming news, and I don't want to keep pestering my friend to tell me whats going on in the gaming world. Recently I have been crazy addicted to Starcraft 2. I hated RTS games until I discovered Starcraft 2. I spend almost my entire day watching, studying, or playing it. Granted I suck at the game, and it is mad depressing to lose non stop at it, I still generally enjoy it. I started playing WoW again recently too. I've been trying to start a guild, but it seems like everyone is already in a guild, and aren't willing to leave them because of the perks. Not that I blame them. I missed out on my chance to start a guild when Cataclysm first came out. I feel like its too little too late. Besides that, I have pretty much been chilling. Since the last time I've posted here, I have built my second PC. It is a biblical beast, and can run any game on max graphics. I love it so much, and have been spending all of my time on it, neglecting my consoles. I have also gotten an Xbox 360 as well. I don't play that much anymore. My friends filled my head with empty promises of playing games with me. It turns out that I only played with 3 out of 20 of my friends who added me. And they barely even played. My xbox live time is up, and I am not going to renew it at all. I use my xbox for streaming shows to my television and that is it. I have been having the desire to go back to playing my ps3 recently. I honestly haven't used it to its full potential. I have 5 games for it, and I have only truly played 3 of them. Mortal Kombat looks so amazing. I am pretty convinced that I am going to buy it for the ps3. Other then that, I really haven't been playing much. I bought Grand Theft Auto 1,2,3,Vice City,San Andreas for the PC, more or less so my brother could play it on his laptop. It was only $7.50. I now own then for ps2, xbox, and PC woot woot! I really don't play many games anymore. I find myself getting gamer A.D.D. and quitting. Hopefully that will change.