This CSI episode was on here last night. - Lab Rats.
I don't follow CSI LV as obsessively as I do CSI NY (so I wait for it to be shown on TV in UK) but I still love it and this episode has just gone straight into my top 5 (number 2 I think, Gum Drops is still my fave).
Fantastic episode, really well written and constructed, Hodges was a class apart esp the "Lucky Day" sequence and I loved seeing more of the Lab Rats, always had a bit of a thing for Archie and he was so cute in the hat ;)
It was a great way to bring the casual viewer up to date with minature serial killer episodes so far and show how the "little" guys help the CSI's solve cases.
Also do I detect a certain "frisson" between Hodges and Wendy - love in the Lab, so cute, but then we knew that anyway.:D (Oh yeah and when Hodges said the MK cases were keeping Gil up at night, my mum said its is more likely Sara and laughed like a mad woman! Who knew she was a GSR shipper - you think you know people:shock:).
If you haven't seen this episode yet I really do recommend it.
Oh yeah, I am getting a new DVD player today - couldn't watch Hush for the episode club this week as the darn thing wasn't having it, normal service will hopefully be resumed next week.