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xiaolinbabe Blog

Am I dead? Nah.....just on a hiatus....

Nope! I'm not dead! I'm still here :) Just on a....year long hiatus if you will? Haha. If anyone still cares that is :|

Haven't really been up to much since I blogged last....
I still write stories (Mainly justsmall ghoststories now)
I freakin' LOVE Big Time Rush! :D Call me girly or lame all you want but they are amazing! And HOT!
I've gotten into watching Supernatural (And love it!)
I rarely ever watch Asian horror anymore because of school....:( And I'm just not motivated much anymore.
I still make every once in awhile. Not as much as I used to.
I learned that I'm a tad bit hot-headed :| Don't piss me off. Haha!
I am no longer wearing braces! :D Yay!! Although the retainer bugs me *glare* XD
I've finally been able to play Silent Hill and it's scary! Muahaha!
And I think I've officially lost my best friends :( But ya know, whatever.

And yeah....that's about it....ummmm.....just letting y'all know that I'm not dead! If there's anything else you want to know then just let me know I guess? Haha...

Song of the Day:
Halfway There
(It's my motivation song :D)

Peace out! (And hopefully not for a year!)

XB, it's been over three months....WHAT??!?!?! That is not acceptable!

Konnichiwa my peeps! :D

Holy crap! I didn't even realize until a few days ago that it's been over three months since I blogged last!! :o!! And the sad thing is, there really wasn't a reason I wasn't blogging either....well, besides the fact that I had nothing to talk about, but hey, whatevs XD

Just to kick things off again, here's something I just made out of complete boredom :lol:
It's not super good, but I don't think it's super bad either. I friggin'ADORE Dulce Maria!! She is amazing and one of the most beautiful women on the earth!!
Anywhoos, hope you guys enjoy that little megamix thingy ;) Just lemme know what you think!

As of Asian horror reviews...I'm still contemplating on that one...I haven't really been able to watch a lot of Asian horror lately since school started (I'm a junior now! HOLY CRAP!!). So there's a TBA on the reviews at the moment...still. Sorry!

School life...still hate school with a passion :lol: Hate my biology period more than anything. I'm horrible at science. Why did I take it again? XD Luckily first trimester is almost over! :D Off to second trimester and Japanese again!

Anywhoos....I guess that's all I got at the moment O_O Hopefully I can make more vids! Actually, I have a few lined up, but IDK if anyone would be interested in them or not, so we'll just keep them on hold for right now.

How abouts we catch up? :)

Song of the Day:
Gah! Just makes me wanna get up and dance! XD

(Who isn't dead! LOL)

"Art of the Devil II" Review - Bring on the gore! //Next on the list?


Ah! I finally got it edited and everything! Wait, let me rephrase that - I finally got done doing a horrible edit job! :P


Sorry for the bad editing job :| My speakers are blown out and I can barely hear what we're saying so I really didn't wanna mess around too much with it.
Yes, Rhea and I were very tired when we made this, so I'm really sorry if we sound out of it! That could explain why the vid was originally 12 minutes long...:lol:
I am watching "Art of the Devil III" right now, so I'll try and review that ASAP!
Hope you enjoy one of the last video reviews! :) Again, sorry about my broken camera! :x
Movie Trailer
(Warning, there is some gory footage! Watch at your own risk!)

So...I really dunno what I'm gonna review next...I am looking at watching an Indonesian movie called "Kuntilanak Kamar Mayat" right now and see how that goes because it looks interesting:

But then again, I've learned from watching movies by their ended up being a porno pretty much O_O TORTURE!!!! DX
Haha, so I really dunno what I'll review next...if you have something in mind tell me because I'm absolutly braindead :|

Song of the Day:
Lights, Camera, Action!
I'm learning to LOVE HALCALI ^_^ They are so cool!

Until next time!


A little taste of Kalafina :)//How is everyone?//Next Review


Hello everyone? How are you guys? I haven't really been blogging much, so I'm just curious :) If you ask about me, I've been fine ^_^ I'm just annoyed by my blown out computer speakers T_T

So, I felt like doing this out of boredom, but here's a little taste of Kalafina for everyone :D
What would you say you're favorite song(s) is? I'm just curious, like always :lol:
Yes, you have to be a bit open about their sound. I mean, if you're into that hard rock/screamo/grunge type stuff, then you more than likely won't like them, but just give them a chance!
I love Kalafina! They're so calming!:D Hehe!

I believe that the next Asian Horror review will be next blog for those of you who have been waiting for one! Me and Rhea made one a long time ago, but I never put it up because it needs some editing...lots of pauses and stuff and that made the review about 12 minutes long, so yeah...self explanitory.
Oh, and the next review is going to be 'Art of the Devil II' :wink: Get ready for gore! Just kidding! :lol:

Song of the Day:
Evacuate The Dancefloor

OMFG!!! Cascada's new album comes out next week!!! :D SO FREAKIN' EXCITED!!! And Kalafina's new single comes out TOMORROW!!!! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!! XD (I obviously get over-excited :lol: )


And now...I'm officially 16 :D//Horror Review News


Yup! Today, I am officially 16 :D Doesn't feel much different, but oh well XD I know that last year I had this huge blog about it, but to be honest with you I got nothing to say this time...besides I CAN DRIVE!! XD
No actual birthday party today, but I am having Rhea and Syd hang out tomorrow, so we may get some interesting pictures/videos :lol:

Just to let everyone know, I am going to continue doing Asian Horror reviews, but my video camera is busted at the moment so until I get that fixed, the reviews are going to be done the old fashioned way :( I'm sorry if those are boring, but that's the way I gotta do it now!

Oh, and a quick question: Should I keep the banner I have now, or change it to the one I had before? I like this one a lot more though :D

Really boring blog, I'm sorry :( I felt like updating though

Song of the Day:
My official party song of 2009! Haha! The vid is soooo silly! But I love it! :D
Oh, and I'm still DEATHLY in love with Kalafina! (Obviously you can tell by the banner :P)

Peace + Love


I am NOT dead!!//Some amazing banners :P//A Random video


OH MY LORD!! How long has it been since I last blogged? :shock: Over a month? Holy cheese!

First of all, here's a video that I just made because I was completely bored and I wanted to do something with this song :lol:
I love my friends to death :) And yes, Rhea was trying to pull off The Grudge :lol: Great...that song is stuck in my head now T_T *sings*

These are some banners that I made for my Multimedia period :D They aren't SUPER good, but I like them. What about you people?
Asian Horror Banner

Shutter Banner

Ju-On Banner

Alone Banner

A Tale of Two Sisters Banner

Last one is my favorite :)

Hm...well...what have I been doing since I last blogged? Nothing really :( I have found a new music interest though!

Look at the song of the day for a listen :DThey are AMAZING!!

But you know, that's about all :| I may blog the story that I'm writing about my friends next time? Not sure yet...:P
Peace out for now!

Song of the Day:
ARIA (Live)
You will not regret listening to them! They are breathtaking live! :D I love Keiko (the girl singing at 4:20)!!


Tell me when I'm gonna breathe you in! //Dance Songs!


Wow!! :shock: Almost month since I last blogged! Can you believe it?!

But I haven't died! I swear! I just couldn't find anything to blog about lately! :) My bad! I'm sorry!

Here's some dance songs for y'all!

:lol: Good songies! Again, these songs aren't actually in the 'Dance' category, I just think that they're fun to dance to! :wink:

Well...I haven't really been up to anything since the last time I blogged :( I did get some vids of me and Syd doing SingStar and they're pretty boring, but that's about it...OH! And I got RBD's last CD 'Para Olvidarte De Mi' and I almost cried when I listened to it! :cry: WHY DO ALL THE GOOD BANDS BREAK UP?!

That's about it though...:| Yeah...

Song of the Day:
I LOVE Skillet!! :D I love the chorus and the bridge! Such an amazing song!! Listen to it!!

P.S. I'm still debating on the reviews :(

More of my friends (LoL)//I've come to a important, but sad conclusion (Read) =[


Still bored outta my mind :lol:

Haha, we do stuff like this on a daily basis :P...minus the bear fight :lol:

Okay, but onto the important stuff...

I'm really sorry to say that I probably won't be doing Asian Horror reviews anymore :( I mean, no one is really interested in them anymore, and plus the fact that the reviews are absolutly horrible. Another huge reason is because I have such a big list, and half of the movies aren't even worth reviewing, so I'm just gonna stop them altogether. Well...either that or go back to the written reviews...I'm not sure yet, but either way we're probably gonna lose them. I'm sorry to those of you who were entertained by them. Truly I am :(

Song of the Day:
Ah, good memories, eh? "You know by the size when thecrowd is getting wild..."


Facts 'Bout Meh//Get To Meet Japanese High School Students! ^_^


Today is a depressing day :( Me, Syd and Rhea cannot go to a Lady GaGa concert tonight! :cry: I know, super sad, right? Ugh, why is life so unfair when you don't want it to be?!

But anywhoos, I got tagged (Damn you Xzaxs! :P) so here are 10 facts about meh that y'all probably know already :lol:

1. I've played Lady GaGa's "Poker Face" about 65 times on my iPod
2. I have about 63 RBD songs on my iPod
3. I'vebeaten my Xiaolin Showdown game for the DS approximetaly...6 or 7 times
4. I write a lot of Xiaolin Showdown and Code LYOKOfanfics when I'm bored (Sometimes I mix the two together! :P I have one story going on right now with both of those shows and The Grudge :lol: It's a weird, and yet pretty freaky story!)
5. I own about 9 or 10 Asian Horror Movies
6. I have Blonde hair and blue eyes (Duh :P)
7. The mostCD's I own by the same artist are 7 RBD CD's
8. Most of the games I own are music related (DDR, SingStar, Sing It, Guitar Hero)
9. I'm really bad at coming up with facts about myself :lol:
10. I never have confidence in anything I do (Stories, Drawings, ect.)

I don't feel like tagging 10 other people at the moment, so y'all just come back and check later, because you may be on here! :P

On Thursday me and Syd get to meet some Japanese High School students from Kamogaoka Senior High School!
So excited about this! I will definitely bring my camera and get some pictures!! :D

Song of the Day:
Welcome To The Club


Dance Battle Isn't Over!! Time For Round 2!!! Come on people! Gotta vote!!!


Well this has been a depressing week for so many reasons...:( 1 I got sick this week and 2 because one of my Japanese teachers had his last day yesterday and I'm just depressed about it :cry:

But to get on a happier note, Syd and Rhea have decided to make a round two to see who would win this time :P

:lol: Now it's a sing off!
Who should win?! Cast your votes now! :P
And I'm (If I get to feeling any better) am going over to Rhea's tonight so there may be a Round 3 for all we know! Stay tuned folks!

Song of the Day:
Fruit Machine
LOVE The Ting Tings!
