Hey hey hey peeps!
I just got done watched Trollz and I'm very hyper right now!! Why did time go so fast? It's over now, but it'll be on next week!!!!!
MMkay so this is something I got from spikeysluv
Time started: 8:39 am
Full Name: Sapphire/May May A (Not worthy enought to learn my REAL name!)
Sex: Female
Birthday: June 17
Sign: Gemini
Siblings: Younger brother
Eye colour: Pure Blue
Shoe size: 4-5 1/2
Height: 5'2
Color: Green
Number: 6
Boys Name: Damon
Girls name: Sadie
Subject in school: Art or P.E.
Animal: Penguin
Drink: Dr. Pepper or Cream Soda
Fast-Food Place: I dunno
Month: June
Band/artist: THE VALLI GIRLS!!! Lady Sovereign, Dixie Chicks, Miranda Lambert, Cheyenne Kimball, Hannah Montana
Movie: Boo!
Juice: I dunno
Finger: Pinkie!
Breakfast: Bagel
Favourite cartoon character: Topaz, Omi, or Aelita
Actor/actress: Ashley Tisdale, Miley Cyrus, Jon Heder
Holiday: Halloween!
Given anyone a bath: Yes
Bungee Jumped: Heck no
Made yourself throw-up: I guess
Been in the opposites sex's bathroom: N-O
Eaten a dog biscuit: No, why would I do that?
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: No, but have gotten tongue stuck to an ice cube once!
Loved someone so much it made you cry: I guess so
Broken a bone: Yes
Played truth or dare: YES!!
Been in a physical fight: No
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: Nope
Come close to dying: Nope
Been in a sauna: no
Been in a hot tub: YES!
Swam in the ocean: No, but I love the ocean!
Fallen asleep in school: Almost
Ran away: Nope
Broken someone's heart: No
Cried when someone died: No one has died that I know
Cried in school: Yup, a lot last year
Fell off your chair: Almost always
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yes and it never rang!!
Saved e-mails: all the time
Fallen for one of your best friends: Sort of
Been cheated on: Nope never had a BF
Done something you regret: Sometimes
Your good luck charm: My necklace with a butterfly charm, and guitar pick
Best song you ever heard: Love Me Or Hate Me (Lady Sovereign) Not Ready To Make Nice (Dixie Chicks)
Stupidest thing you have ever done: WAY Too many to count...
What is beside you now: Pictures from Halloween
Last thing you ate: NACHOS!!
Worst thing that has happened to you: Made friends with a girl that became a b!tch
Chicken pox: Yeah.
Stitches: no
Believe in love at first sight: No
Like picnics: Never been on one
What schools have you gone to: Evergreen, Hugh Hartman, Elton Gregory
Eat a hamster for $1,000,000: NO!!!
Kill someone you know for 15 billion dollars: Maybe....... Depends on who
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? BFFL's
What makes you laugh the most: When my friends are acting like blondes
Makes you smile: Everything!
You touched: I hugged my friend
You massaged: NO
You yelled at: I don't remember.....
Who broke your heart: No one
Do you like filling these out: Yup!
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
Do you like yourself: Why not?
Do you get along with your family: Yes
Do you do drugs: Umm heck no!
Have piercing(s) below the waist: GROSS!!!! NO!
Stolen anything over $50: NO!
Obsessive: OH YEAH!
Obsessive Compulsive: Nope
What are you listening to right now: The Valli Girls
How many buddies are on your list: Too many to count
What did you do yesterday: School, home, Dance, Watched Trollz about 10 times(maybe more), fell asleep
Hate someone in your family: No, even though sometimes I can
Where do you want to get married: The Beach
If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?: Nothing, I love who I am
Good driver: No liscense not old enough
Good dancer: IDK, I don't dance in public!
Good Singer: I always sing with my stereo REALLY loud! So no
Have a lava lamp: I've had one they're pretty, and fun to watch!
How many remote controls are in your house: 6
What do you dream about: I don't remember
Last time you showered: 10 minutes ago
The last movie you saw at the theatres: Open Season
Scary or happy movies: Scary!!!!! SCARY RULES ALL!!
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper yum!
Mud or Jell-O: Jell-O, dur!
Skiing or Boarding: Niether
Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearls: Diamonds
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise
Cats or dogs: Cats i hate dogs...
Phone or in person: In person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Older
End Time: 8:47
Yes I'm going to do songs!
Wind It Up (Gwen Stefani)
This is the key that makes us wind up
When the beat comes on the girls all line up
And the boys all look
But no they can’t touch
But the girls want to know why the boys like us so much
They like the way we dance
They like the way we work
They like the way the LAMB is going across my shirt
They like the way my pants complements my shake(this s*** is crazy right)
They like the way we react every time we hear the base
Every time the base bangs
Realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up
And don’t stop until your time is up
Wind it up, Wind it up, Wind it up
You got to let the beat get your under skin
You got to open up and let it all in
But see once it gets in the popping begins
Then you’ll find out why all the boys stare
They’re trying to buy our style
Trying to study our approach
They like the way we do it
So they
I guess if they are slow
So they should leave the room
This beat is for the clubs and
Every time the base bangs
Realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up
And don’t stop until your time is up
Wind it up, Wind it up, Wind it Up, wind it up
Uh huh uh huh come on girl you know you own it
Hell yea ( you know they’re watching)
Get it girl,get it get it girl, get it girl get it get it girl
To the front to the side to the back but don’t let them ride
Keep going girl its your night don’t let them steal your light
I know he thinks your fine and stuff but does he know how to wind you up
Wind it up, wind it up, wind it up, wind it up
(Nothing in this world; Paris Hilton)