Tomorrow is going to be my last day at school! I'm beyond happy, but sad at the same time :( I'll never see my Middle School teachers again :cry:
He! This is one of my FAVORITE scenes from "Happy Feet"
And yes, I know that people are saying Brittany can't sing, but let's see anyone who thinks she can't, sing anybetter!
I watched "The Ring TWO" and I think that it was better than the first one. More entertaining!
Ha! My favorite line was when Samara was like crawling up the well saying "Mommy" and Rachel was like "I'm not your f***ing mommy!" and closed the well on her. I was laughing SOOO HARD!
My friend has a nasty mind. He's one of my best guy friends and he sits behind me in Science. He said something mean to me, so I was (JOKINGLY) saying "Screw You" as in "Get away" or "stop talking", but no! He took it the wrong way and said "I'd rather not." as in he thought that I said I wanted to...... yeah.... EW! God! He's so funny and I love him for that, but OMG that's just sick! Now he's saying that I ment it the way he thought! *Shivers* We'll get over it soon XD!
Wow, short blog!
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