Yup! 'The biggest midget in the game' (Lady Sovereign) is my new idol.
I adore her! She is so funny! And some of her lyrics are honest in the funniest way! 'Love Me Or Hate Me' is one of those songs.
Her album 'Public Warning' is awesome!
I listened to the whole thing on my MP3 profile, and it was AWESOME (Yeah I said it again, big whoop!)
Strangely, I'm starting to wear my hair like her also. Now don't think that I'm going to change in personality or anything, I'm going to stay the same, but I may bring 'the biggest midget' up quite a few times.
Do you think that I should stick with the banner I have right now, or this one I made for my MP3 profile? I like the MP3 one better.
Which one do you think?
Oh and P.S.: I'm going to be on MP3 a lot. I'll still be here on TV though, don't worry :)
(Random; Lady Sovereign)