So my girlfriends birthday is coming up, and i really want to get her a lime green DS. I was wondering if anyone could help me find a site to get one. the only ones i've seen are on ebay, and the users are from other countries.
Please help me :(
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So my girlfriends birthday is coming up, and i really want to get her a lime green DS. I was wondering if anyone could help me find a site to get one. the only ones i've seen are on ebay, and the users are from other countries.
Please help me :(
It might, considering it's been called "unfilmable", but i still have faith in Zack Snyder, and I really hope that he doesn't screw it up.
Definatley new that i could delete and redownload stuff from dlc, and once again am not interested in buying a seperate $100 hard drive. So far what i've done is use a friends external hard drive, and partitioned it to read fat.32 files, but all i can really do with the hard drive is watch music and movies through it. Theres got to be a way where i can move my save files from my hdd to an external hard drive. Some rumors i have heard but not yet tested were the XPORT product which claims to be able to transfer unlocked saved files. The second rumor that i've heard was that if you requested a SATA data transfer cable from microsoft which is used to transfer saves from hdd to hdd you could actually connect the SATA into your computer and transfer files directly. If anyone understands my situation please reply to this post.
Not only would you be helping me, but the entire xbox community
Thanks again
So with the announcement of the new Fallout 3 DLC being about 5 gigs of space I'm desperate to find an alternate way to save my old game files to an external hard drive, or my laptop. I'm aware that i would'nt be able to save locked xbox live items or DLC, but i would like to transfer old files in order to make room on my 20 gig HDD. IM NOT INTERESTED IN BUYING A NEW HDD.
Heres what I have to work with:
- An 80 gig Zune
- A 120 gig Laptop
- A 20 gig HDD from my 360
- An xbox 360
Using these items please help me find a way to save some money, and clear up my HDD, while at the same time saving my game save content. Keep in my that not only would you be doing me a favor, you would be doing the whole 360 community a favor by not investing any more cash into M$.
Thanks again
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