xkingkongx's forum posts
I figure if you get Hellgat youll still be playing when "blizzards 3rd current project" comes out hint hint......Diablo 3 anyone
Idgo with BW2 and just wait for the real Diablo3.
PS i had a hard time deciding about Hellgate too but this was my decision you may feel different
Im asking cause im tight on money and I cant really get all of em, For some reason I like UT and they dont get boring eventhough they should, I loved the CoD demo. Anyone know why Crysis is so hyped up eventhough there isnt a demofor it yet. If its just graphics, itd be nice to see the graphics but im more of a gameplay guy. Gameplay over graphics. I think im gonna try for CoD on Christmas cause ive got Manhunt2 and GH3 on Wii at the end of this month, I wouldnt really have non-rushed time for CoD. Im really looking to decide between UT3 and Crysis on the 19th
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