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Dark Souls is one of the greatest games of this generation. I'd rather they spend all the marketing money on more development though.

Dark Souls 2, TAKE MY MONEY

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I will probably be buying AC4. I just hope Ubisoft doesn't go full EA mode and go 10x over budget and then cancel development of the next game citing "LACK OF SALES EXPECTATIONS, DIDN'T MEET OUR GOAL OF GROSSING 100 BILLION DOLLARS."

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@saltbalsak Good for you.

I loved it. They can keep taking my money.

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Wow what the heck... They cancel after only a MONTH of sales??? So many gamers I know (myself included) currently have a backlog of games that I haven't had a chance to play. I haven't even investigated buying DS3 yet. I can't help but think this is a poor decision.

EA just seems so freaking bad lately.

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Far Cry 3 is about a hundred trillion times better than Mass Effect 3. So was Assassin's Creed 3.

I don't know what the heck your editors are thinking.

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I freakin' love this franchise deeply. It is one of the best game series I've ever played. It is original, fun, action-packed, intelligent, and gives you a sense of freedom which is hard to compare to almost any other modern game. In terms of the "best" game, AC2 was probably the best of the series because it represented such a huge improvement from AC1. Also, Brotherhood's addition of multiplayer was unlike almost any multiplayer game i've played and sucked me in for hours. Revelations did a phenomenal job of actually RESOLVING the Ezio-Altair story and setting up AC3, but other than that it was just another iteration of the same formula (albeit a good one).

I cannot wait for AC3. So excited! I hope Ubisoft doesn't disappoint!

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Edited By xknight351

This series was fantastic, and I had an astounding level of emotional investment in the characters by the time I finished the third game. That being said, I think the endings were kind of a nut-punch. This entire series is about choices, but when you get to the ending, the "ending choices" simply suck because you're so attached to the characters and it seems like NO MATTER what you pick, SOMEONE/SOMETHING/SOME RACE has to LOSE. It's that simple. I wanted my cake and I wanted to eat it too :-( Forgive me for wanting the opportunity to paint a picture perfect ending where everyone lives happily ever after and my Shepard and Tali live in their house on rannoch alongside the geth with human-quarian children, but given all the emotional investment I had put in before that it's what I wanted. There was no ending that would give me anything even close to that. So it left me feeling very bittersweet and I think that's the sentiment most gamers feel. People, however, have a tendency to take "bittersweet" and turn it into pure internet rage. Still a good game though. You can tell ME3 really took Directing and Cinematography to the next level for video games. Only thing I would have changed would have been to bring back more of a ME1 exploration-open world type environment instead of everything feeling very linear.

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Edited By xknight351

I have a prediction. Blizzard, Capcom and other game companies should realize how the dynamic of "eSports" is growing and make a concerted effort to turn their games into spectator sports for the average person. It's amazing to watch these pros play Starcraft 2, but it's only amazing -if you already understand Starcraft 2.- I was watching a stream of professional LiquidRet the other day with a friend who has never played SC2, and I had to try to explain to someone how incredible it was to watch the micromanagement of units during a battle. Unfortunately my friend just did not "get it." I don't blame him at all, because he's never actually tried to play SC2. In general with games, the viewing experience is inaccessible to anyone who doesn't understand what's happening. Blizzard & Capcom have already taken steps in this direction by adding Spectators modes and allowing mods which can drastically improve the quality for the viewer. But what if, for example, during a SC2 battle the camera could "zoom in" to certain units, slow time and highlight battles? Or what if during certain battle events, the spectator mode could change and even play a small cutscene? It would appeal to a drastically large audience than it does now where only people who play SC2 understand the blisteringly fast skill that progamers have. I am all for the creation of new markets in gaming, as I think it is good for the gaming industry as a whole.