I've seen worse. Way worse.Sep 2007 bumped up by level 1 1 post.. eh wtf..
xljohn's forum posts
[QUOTE="NotAFurry"][QUOTE="Ninja_Zombie83"]Despite Obsidian being a company that seems to slack off when making games and not deliver.... this list actually looks like an awesome game. Thanks for the post!
Slack off? Read my previous post, they're a very hard working studio. KOTOR II had a ten months development time because it was rushed out by the publisher, and it was a great game, especially if you take that into account. I haven't played NWN2, but I've heard it's great too, despite that it had a lot of bugs in the initial release which were later fixed.
Not hard to copy a good game... Right, Bethesda? Definitely not hard at all to copy a beloved setting and have it sell like hotcakes. This is Black Isle returning to the setting that THEY CREATED! This is their baby. If they wanted to say everything that happened in Fallout 3 wasn't canon, then they could. People also aren't mentioning that Obsidian/Black Isle were the ones behind the Baldur's Gate games as well. People give BioWare too much credit. Without Black Isle, BioWare wouldn't be around today.Honestly? Get something else. This game is too epic in scope to be enjoyed in such tiny increments.Question for those who have played or are currently playing it...is the game worth a purchase if I sometimes only have a 1/2 hr or horu to devote to playing and possible going a day or two without playing it. With having two kids, my playing time can be somewhat limited. As a resultI am hesitant about purchasing it because of possibly not having a lot of time to devote to it on a consistent basis. Can the game still be enjoyed that way or is it one hat you need to be able to set aside a long time when sitting down to play it?
Forgot to add that this would probably be the last game i bought for a while due to money issues so I would end up probably devoting most of what free playing time I did have to the game.
I did a speed run, on casual, skipping dialogue, no sidequests, and clocked in at 14 hours.
My playthroughs that I've played normally have all been around 40-50 hours.
Anyone saying they're completing this in 15 hours, not skipping dialogue, and doing sidequests are liars.
I have to say. You got lucky. For them ost part they always ask for I.D even if you have a edge card. Although I can't see how your mom has one and you don't. Not making fun it's just alittle strange.DarkMaster7991
Stangely enough, both my parents have Edge cards last I checked. Though I'm not home all that often.
They work for MovieStop, too.
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