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xlukebearx Blog

Gaming and the sequel

Why is it that when we go to any game store, almost every heavy-hitting title on the shelves or soon- to-be-on-the-shelves is a sequel? Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, Final Fantasy XIII, Ace Combat 6, Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Armored Core 5(for answer), Forza 2, Gran Turismo 5, Rock Band 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Soul Calibur IV, and Guitar Hero III are just the ones I can list off the top of my head.

And why are they all so good?

Let's face it, Hollywood never seems to do this right, every time they get going on the sequel train, more and more folks get off at every stop. Yet gaming seems to increase the number of vagabonds that ride on its way to multiplicity metropolis... minus a few nay-sayers.

It is my belief that because of the inherent nature of the video game, we will only see these franchises increase over time.

When you watch a film, you are invested for the exact same amount of time (given you watch it all the way through), every time. The director gets to choose how intimate you become with each character, and how much of the story will be revealed to the viewer.

With a game, YOU are the director. YOU decide how much of that story or side-story or whatever it is you are going to explore. It's personal. You are only bound by how many times you can call in sick to work to just get through that last part, finish that last race, get that last kill.

Which is great. I love the fact that the gaming industry has surpassed the film industry in terms of revenue.

I just wish they could come up with some new goddamn names.