I'm bored, and I'm trying to get to level 8, so I made a pointless blog! Yeah! I hear you cheering! I'm listing my top 8 favorite action stars and at least one movie (probobly two) they're in that I like. Here they are, least to best!
8.Nicolas Cage (Ghost Rider, National Treasure)
7.Will Smith (i Robot)
6.Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator 2)
5.Mel Gibson (Lethal Weapon, The Patriot)
4.Christian Bale (Batman Begins)
3.Bruce Willis (Die Hard, Die Hard 2, and Live Free orDie Hard)
2.Harrison Ford (Air Force 1, The Fugitive, and Raiders of the Lost Ark)
1.Russle Crow (Gladiator, 3:10 to Yuma)