I think i just experienced one of the most awkward moments in my life....
During the entire break (like 15-20 min) i talked with tyler about different things....and then i sat back down and this girl next to me who is soo crushing on tyler but doesnt even talk to him turns to me and sasy, "So you and tyler, huh?"
Me: uhhhh....what?
Girl:You guys look like sucha couple.
Me: *awkwardly flustered* Oh...
Girl: If u guyz got married...think of the children!
At this point i just ignored the girl. She stated the most awkward thing of life...its a good thing Tyler wasnt there...that would just have made it ten times worst :oops:
My friends and I went out to eat for Halloween (Annie and I went in our costumes cuz we're cool like that8)) Jake was there too and apparently he still likes me even tho i completely denied his kiss and feelings. SO i pretended i wanted to see this old posteron the wall and sat on the other side of the table across from Annie and Ben. Then Tyler walked in late cuz of football and the next open seat was next to me!! (squueee) so i got to talk to him alot all night.
Then some of us went back to watch scary movies...but tyler couldnt stay late because of the SATs but this is the good part:
We were all sort of clustered together because people were leaving...now Tyler is terrible at saying goodbye to people...but at the time i was closest to him and he turned and hugged me AND he said by...but then he shuffled off by saying..."im gunna give other people hugs"...DIES:D
we r talking more AND a hug??? wow...lol:lol:
does this seem good? im crossing my fingers that things willl just improve!!!!