While I was tipping over wheelchairs and shoving old ladies out of the way to get to the NES games at the garage sale I mentioned the other day, Helen was on the other side of the driveway scoring a Sony PlayStation. I had actually won a lot of Lightspan games on eBay earlier in the week and we were planning to buy a PS2 to play them on. It never occurred to me to seek out a PS1 for which the Lightspan games were designed. Duh. It was perfect timing stumbling across this one. For thirty bucks we got the PlayStation with one controller, five PS1 games, and 6 NES games. Pretty sweet deal, especially considering all this stuff was in mint condition. Helen also found a second controller for a buck at another garage sale too.
One of the games we bought was WWF Smackdown. I'm not a wrestling fan but there were four of us thirty something dudes at the in-laws and we were looking forward to some ridiculous fighting action. I set everything up and then discovered the case was empty. Bummer. Not-quite-Uncle Dan brought his Gamecube though so we had a Tiger Woods golf smackdown instead. The PS1 games that were in their cases, plus one we found at Goodwill the other day, include:
- Crash Bandicoot: Warped- a fun 3-D platformer
- N2O Nitrous Oxide- like a 3-D version of the arcade classic Tempest
- Lego Racers- racing game, Lego style
- A Bug's Life- lame movie tie in game
- Pandemonium!- we haven't checked this out yet
I mentioned that we won a Lightspan auction, which consisted of 32 PlayStation educational games. The boys haven't really looked too closely at them yet. I had to track down a memory card first, again via eBay, so they could save their progress.
I must say I'm a little disappointed by what I've seen so far. I guess I expected them to be a lot better than the computer games my school uses. I was led to believe by what I read that they were more like "real" games than digital worksheets. They seem to be on par with the current Math/Reading Blaster series. Perhaps they were superior to the educational software available at the time of their original release. Then again we've only explored a couple of titles so maybe some of the other ones are better. Not that they're bad or anything. They're just not what I had hoped for. I will say that Dashiell and Ray were engaged and enjoyed playing them. That's really the whole point of our Lightspan experiment.
And now we've added a PlayStation to our growing video games collection. I've never owned or even really played any Sony consoles before. I found this awesome source for clas_sic game recommendations and will be looking out for more PS1 goodness on future Goodwill runs. Maybe Helen will run across some at garage sales too. I'd better stay away though or I might hurt someone.