Ok im having a lot of deja vu lately. last night me and my dad were fighting (just practice for taekwnodo)When i blocked and he kicked the same way same place same feeling same light as another time i cant remeber. When on my blog title i dont mean real crazy just feeling weird. also at a taekwondo tornamanent i swam this REEEEEAAAAALLL cold lake(i would say just above frezzing)2 times when most pepel didnt even go in. then i got in the hottub and eversince that ive been feeling that i was there just in a memory. its so weird and it happens when im arround cold stuff i firgured out. and on a hike with my dad i kept losing feeling of my body. I mean i could still control it but it seemed like i couldnt. i tried telling this to my sis and she laughed and laughed cauz i couldnt find the right words for it. Ill get her for that :P Well just wanted to tell u pepel that if u care at all.
Ok ill cya all :)*chases u out with the cookie monster*
Bwa Bwa Bwa!!