xspawn69's forum posts
Every ten-thousand years or so, an event of such magnitude occurs that life, as we know it, is changed forever. Nope, Metal Gear Solid 4 hasn't been announced for the Xbox 360 (yet) but that didn't stop some 1UP guys from cramming into the Kojima Report podcast and talking about the possibility of the genetically-enhanced aging super soldier simulator, Metal Gear Solid 4, coming to the 'box. Kojima Reports' Ryan Payton ducked into a locker, stating, "... we have not changed the game in any form with the idea of 'oh, we got to do this on 360.' Put aside whether or not we're developing for 360 or not, the game is built on the PS3 hardware ... ."
Using our relatively limited reading skills, we've managed to determine that one of two possible conclusions can be irresponsibly jumped to. The first: that the game will not be coming to the Xbox 360 and, as a result, they haven't changed anything; the second: the Xbox 360 introduced no limitations to their production and, as a result, it didn't need any changing. Either way, the lesson we can all take away from this is that Kojima doesn't change things. Except his metaphors.
Courtesy of Joystiq.com
Jack Thompson Blames Bill Gates for VT Shooting
By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar" Apr. 19th, 2007 4:27 pm
Last time we published a letter from Jack Thompson, we had to clarify it wasn't joke. His messianic words and biblical quotes indeed came from the attorney and Christian conservative activist obsessed with video game violence. Once again, we need to clarify that what you are about to read is a real letter coming from Thompson.
Game Almighty has received an email from Thompson that includes an open letter sent to Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. The letter reads as follows:
April 18, 2007
Bill Gates
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052 Via Fax and e-mail
Dear Mr. Gates:
On Monday, April 16, at 3:10 pm, I was a guest, as I often have been in the past, on the Fox News Channel. News anchor Bill Hemmer asked me to profile the Virginia Tech rampage killer. I did so, noting that until that day the worst school massacre in world history was at the hands of Robert Steinhaeuser, who literally trained on the Microsoft on-line, hyper-violent shooter game, Counterstrike. I mentioned your company's game by name. I explained that the rehearsal for such a massacre is key to being able to pull it off, as efficiently as Cho, whose name we didn't even know at the time. Cho and Steinhaeuser were able to do what they did the first time because it was not the first time. This is why the military uses this same virtual reality simulation to train soldiers to want to kill and how to kill calmly, as the witnesses of Cho said he did.
Sure enough, last night I was doing a west coast radio interview when the host said to me, "Mr. Thompson, you are right. The Washington Post is reporting right now the following:
'Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly Counterstrike, a hugely popular online game published by Microsoft, in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns.'"
I thus went back on the Fox News Channel, and Bill Hemmer and I explained not only that I was right about your game figuring in the Virginia Tech massacre but also that the Washington Post excised the above excerpt from the story this morning. That is yet another story. The bad news for the Post however is that you can still get the excised excerpt at http://www.washingtonpost.com/...AR2007041700563_3.html?hpid=topnews. Thus, the cat is out of the bag, and his paw prints are still on the bag. Is this a great Internet, or what?
As you know, I similalry [sic] went on NBC's Today Show with the DC Beltway Sniper still unidentified and at-large a few years ago and told Matt Lauer and the nation that the triggerman would most likely be a teen video gamer trained on a sniper video game. The tarot card was a clue, but there were other clues. I was right, as Malvo trained on your Microsoft game, Halo. NBC reported that three months later, and it was part of the criminal trial of Malvo.
Mr. Gates, your company is potentially legally liable the harm done at Virginia Tech. Your game, a killing simulator, according to the news that used to be in the Post, trained him to enjoy killing and how to kill. You knew five years ago that your on-line game, Counterstrike, so clearly figured in the massacre by a student in Erfurt that the event and the game impacted the race for Chancellor in Germany at the time!
Yet, here you are, five years after "Erfurt," still marketing Counterstrike. having done nothing to disable the server(s) for this mass murder simulator, and it looks like "Virginia Tech" is a consequence. There's more going on in the world than Vista. Just ask the bereaved Virginia Tech families.
Mr. Gates, pull the plug on Counterstrike today, or do we need more dead to convince you? "Virginia Tech" was the 9-11 of school shootings, and it appears Microsoft is in the middle of it, in more ways than one.
Regards, Jack Thompson
At least he's not blaming GTA... what a joke
Setting: re-created Liberty City (better mirrors real-world NYC; smaller "geographical mass" than San Andreas, but more densely populated)
- MetLife building = "Getalife"
- Statue of Liberty = "Statue of Happiness"
- DUMBO = "BOABO" (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass
- Area includes an adaptation of four of NYC's boroughs (no love for Staten Island), and a section of Jersey:
- Manhattan = "Algonquin" (The Lenape did speak an Algonquin language from which our word "Manhattan" is derived)
- Brooklyn = "Broker"
- Queens = "Dukes" (a duke ranks just below a prince)
- Bronx = "Bohan"
- New Jersey = "Alderney" (also named for one of the British Channel Islands -- or a breed of cattle)
- Lured to Liberty by cousin Roman's suspicious emails (Roman claims to be living the America Dream: 2 women, 4 hot tubs, and 15 sports cars); Roman actually operates a rundown taxi depot in Broker and has gotten himself into a "load of trouble"
- NEWS FLASH: "Many of Niko's activities revolve around being a criminal"
- NPCs: lots of "non-American" characters, varied behaviors (e.g., shopping, drinking, smoking, chirping, hurrying, or just maxing on the stoop), "context sensitive," and dependent on environment; more freaks: "angry yuppies" and "lunatics"
- Dynamic storyline: "A big part of the game is delivering story in new ways and allowing the player to plot their [sic] own destiny"; less of a sense of being a slave to NPCs' demands; communication is also dynamic (in person, by celly, etc.)
- No planes; but motorbikes
- Improved physics; characters' movements are influenced by weight and variations in physical terrain
- Emphasis on night and day lighting
- Seamless loading after initial boot (even between indoor and outdoor environments)
- No details about targeting system -- but Rockstar claims to have found the new "sweet spot"
- Voice casting will not focus on big-name stars; soundtrack will reflect 2007
- Crime experts and ex-police have helped Rockstar create a realistic contemporary criminal atmosphere (i.e., it's not the 80s or 90s anymore; crime and crime-fighting have evolved)
- Multiplayer confirmed; not MMO
- Both Xbox 360 and PS3 version will 'likely' be identical; Xbox 360 version will include exclusive episodic content (what about PS3?)
Check out the link, the game looks great
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