I have seen ratings like 9.7, and 8.4 etc.
Though I am only given the option to do .0 and .5.
How do I give reviews .1, .2, .3, .4, .6, .7, .,8. and .9?
I have seen ratings like 9.7, and 8.4 etc.
Though I am only given the option to do .0 and .5.
How do I give reviews .1, .2, .3, .4, .6, .7, .,8. and .9?
I just bought the game and I am on the 4th level..
Let me say, I am IMPRESSED. I hated portable ops., but THIS game is great!! CQC is top notch too!
Check it out!
4.Final Fantasy
1.Metal Gear solid
5. Sniper Wolf: Metal Gear Solid 1
4.Ghost: Pac-man
3.Those turtles things: Mario
2.Flying Gomba: Mario
1. Gomba: Mario
Hey guys, I was just wondering what some of your favorite video game trailers were.
My personal favorite is the Assassin's Creed 2!
3.Gannon/Gannon Dwarf
2.Grey Fox
1.Ocelot (liquid, and revolver)
Whipped this up really quick. So not that great...:D
1. Solid Snake
5. Final Fantasy VII: Sepheroth
4. Zelda: Majora's Mask: Majora.
3. Metal Gear Solid 1: Psycho Mantis.
2. Zelda: Ocarina of Time:Gannondorf/Gannon
1. Metal Gear Solid 4:Liquid Ocelot. Solid Snake fights liquid for the last time, while the theme from every Metal Gear Solid game play in order, while taking you and Snake down memory lane. *SPOILER*! This is where Ocelot has his last moment, after Liquid die sand comes back to himself, and says the line, "your pretty good..." And it goes back to a flashback through when he says it in Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2.
5.Majora's Mask: moon
4.Mario Cart 64: Rainbow Road
3.Final Fantasy X: Crystal Cave (The cave before the great Plains.)(Sorry I can't remember the exact name.)
2. Fallout 3: Capital Wasteland
1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Shadow Mosses
NOTE: I hope this list get you angry!
5.Golden Eye 007
4.Final Fantasy VII
3.Call of Duty series
2.Grand Theft Auto series
1.Halo series
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