xuaron / Member

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dreamcast game suprising!

the dream cast game grandia 2 witch i have on the playstation is suprisingly good thay have done a realy good job on the story graphics are good litle bit odd but still nice. than the sounds thay could have done a better job on thay making it more realistic. but the voice over's are greatly done. my total score for this game for now is 8.0

Just bought Magna Carta and Grandia II

I just bought Magna carta and Grandia II

thay seem to be both god RPG's and i just started playing Magna Carta ANd the game is real nice.

graphic's are good, story to, the batle system is also nice but thay could have done a better job on that.

also the loading screens ar a bit crapy and the voice over is not done perfectly but its still nice.

magna carta gets a good 7,5 its a good game a must have for every RPG fan.