I just think it's a stupid thing to say it's "noobish." I myself don't really use it much, I use the Lancer over the Hammerburst so I can give my teammates better support if I can't get to them with a shotgun in time. The thing is basically a one hit melee, we can all agree on that. One hit melee's happen all the time in games, CoD4 and 5, in Halo most of the time it's a one hit because people just see one another, spam an AR at the other, and eventually one of them melee's the other. I pretty much think Gears 2 MP is just a mess. It's really fun, I can't deny that, but everyone in this thread has to agree that's it has more BS than any shooter game in the world. I always thought it was dumb that you spawn with a shotgun, if you're not letting them choose their weapon, going with the classic weapon pickup shooter, a shotgun shouldn't be what they spawn with. That's just a power weapon. Also, the shotgun is the most used weapon in the game, and in Gears 1, which was more of a mess, the host shotgun was just unbelievable. I really think in Gears 3 they should add something like an SMG, something I can use at close range effectively besides the shotgun. I don't really care if I get chainsawed, I just see it as I got melee'd, but I just think it's extremely annoying when I'm in a shotgun fight and some 12 year old kid playing as Marcus comes up and chainsaws me. Besides, when you chainsaw someone, you usually die immeditally afterwards. I don't see what the use of complaining about something that gives you an advantage sometimes is. If there's a guy that's taking cover or spamming a Lancer at your teammates from high ground, go up behind him and chainsaw him, no use in risking him killing you or wasting ammo.
xxBl4ckOutxx's forum posts
Rushing Class:
MP5 with Red Dot Sight
Silenced M9
Smoke Grenade
Stopping Power
Steady Aim
Sniper Class:
Desert Eagle
Smoke Grenade
Stopping Power
Iron Lungs
Stealth Class
Silenced P-90 or Silenced AK-47
Silenced USP.45
Smoke Grenade
UAV Jammer
Dead Silence
Name of Class- Longshot
Primary Weapon- M16A4 with Red Dot Sight
Secondary Weapon- Desert Eagle
Special Grenade-Smoke
Perk 1- 3 Frag Grenades
Perk 2- Stopping Power
Perk 3 - Steady Aim
Did you honestly just say you use Eavesdrop?
Anyway, the P90 isn't that good of a gun. The best SMG is the MP5, period. I like the M16, but I do agree it's overpowered.
Personally I have no idea. CoD5 is probably going to suck though. Not many people know this, but the company of Treyarch and Infinity Ward make the CoD's. CoD 1, CoD2, and CoD4 were made by Infinity Ward, and were great games. Treyarch made CoD3, and all those crappy expansions of the PS2 and orginal XBOX, and now they're making CoD5. CoD3 was an utter disapointment. CoD5 however, is being developed with the same engine as CoD4, so it might not be as bad as I thought, but Treyarch has this fantasy concept that people like vechiles in Multiplayer, which is why all their games sucked. Gears of War had some of the most intense and fun Single Player moments I've ever known, but I wasn't a big fan of the Multiplayer, I didn't like the game modes, and I didn't like the whole round spawning thing, I didn't like the whole primative weapon pickup concept. I hope they change this in GoW2. However, after watching all the videos about the Multiplayer in Gears 2, after seeing all the footage, I've had some doubts. I think they might be making the mistake Halo 3 made, Bungie got so caught up in making it the best they could that they rushed parts of it, overdid some parts, and added to many weapons and such. I think in GoW2 they might be making some mistakes, now you can tag grenades to objects, use posion grenades, a posion grenade launcher, and many other new weapons. Meatshields are a great idea, but I think when you down a guy, you can pick him and use him as the shield, but the guy is still alive and doing nothing. That's not fun at all. So many new components and such that they've added are built more for a First Person Shooter, not a cover based. But I could just be paranoid.
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