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xxLuCaS18xx Blog

HALO 2 Coustom Game night

If you want to play coustomganes the weakend of 3-10-12 if you want to play wright me a measeage or send a friend request to xxLuCaS18xx (nospaces) and say coustom game night I will get back to u on times.

action replay

Could somone tell me how action replay works .  I want to getit for halo 2 and use it in cousyom games.  Is it worth investing into     xxLuCaS18xx

need a clan

I f u are looking for a clan in halo 2 send a friend request to xxLuCaS18xx ( no spaces) and say you want to be in my clan Its leval 9 as of right now but we play aloght of matches