Never, never never never never never never...... in all of my life, would I ever think that I would ever be associating the words Massacre and Virginia Tech..
Columbine hit hard, 9/11 hit really hard, but to me, the shooting at VT had the most impact on me and many of us in our area the most.
At about 9:00 or so in the morning, I was walking around the school during 2nd block(because I'm a cocky senior that feels like he can do anything he wants to) and I went by one of the teachers classroom to talk to her(awesome teacher), and she was at her desk and explained to me that there has been gunfire, 1 Dead and 1 Injured(who I think eventually died too).
I didn't really think too much about it, there are 2,600 people at Tech. At the end of the first press release, it said that the cops didn't indeed catch the killer, and they shut down the campus... After 2nd block, I have lunch and after that, I go to 3rd block English class(really awesome teacher). At the end of the class, he decided to go online and see an update on Tech. 22 dead, and 28 injured.
I personally know a good 20 people that go to Virginia Tech, and I'm sure that there is about a good 200 people from around our area(county) that go to tech, so naturally, those words hit hard. It was the first time that I felt that one of these "massacre's" had really effected me, since there was no one I knew in other tragedies. Other tragedies usually just sparked up some discussion, and this one actually made all of us very emotional. As we heard that most of the victims were in the engineering department, I personally know about 2 people in there, so it was really hard.
Thank God that all of the people we were all worrying about turned out to be allright.... But it's just really tragic that 32(so far) innocent lives died for no good or suffeciant reasons at all. And with the guns purchased completely legally, and any stupid schmuck has a chance to do the exact same thing is just sickening to think about. I really hope that the government actually does something about this. I know it's hard to blame VT for any of this, but how is it possible that the students in the school did not know anything about is absolutely rediculous, and even though it seems like too much already, some security issues needs to be taken.
Please, please please, pray to whoever you pray to and pray for the families and friends of the victims.
Thank You.