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xxW0LFxxLHG Blog

The next Generation? or not.....

The release of a new generation of consoles has followed a trend,usually the next batch of consoles are released roughly every five years,meaning the new generation should be hitting our shelves in 2011-12.

But is this going to be the case? i believe that there may not be a new generation of consoles for a good while....

The simple reason is the current economy,it's simply getting to expensive to design,build and marker games consoles,Microsoft,for example,lose money on every 360 they make.

If they try to create a more powerful generation of consoles could it bankrupt them?

As such i dont believe there will be a new generation any time soon,Microsoft have already announced the "new" xbox will be the Natal edition,which will come with project Natal and a few upgrades,this seems to have taken the place of the new xbox (the xbox 720 or whatever you want to call it).

But dont despair,it isn' all bad news.....

If this is indeed the case then games will most likely benefiet from this,instead of relying on the hardware they would have to start relying on the games themselves to sell there consoles,as such the quality of games may actually go up as they fight to control the market.


Batman Update:

Well in case you havent noticed im fairly excited about the upcoming release of Batman Arkham asylum,as such i though i would update my blog with all the new info:

The Batman demo will be coming to ps3 and xbox 360 on 7th of August and will start off with batman and commisioner Gordon escorting the nefarious Joker through Arkham asylum.

Expect to be able to play through the tutorial and possibly the entire first level of the game,allowing you to experiance most of the gameplay elements.

The first ever review of Batman was from Gamesmaster magazine who scored it a stunning 96% and called it one of the best games of it's generation and placed it alongside games such as Gears and Bioshock.

GM magazine also made mention of the Riddler in game which is great news,at the end of the review in there "GM Love's" section they had "solving the Riddlers riddles" which seems to indicate that the Riddler is at least semi involved in the game.

Batman Arkham Asylum

So todays blog is dedicated to Batman AA. So far from what i have seen of this game it's looking set to be stunning to play and from the exclusive GamesMaster review (in which they scored it 96%) they sang it's praises. Though the mood was darkened by the appearent Eidos scam which seemingly had the company letting magazines print early reviews if they dedicate the cover to Batman and score it a minimuim of 90%. Due to the timing of the review i am worried that gamesmastermay have gone in for this is there review truthful? but looking through video's and previews this game looks as though it really will live up to the hype. Wolf