I haven't been on here as much for the past few weeks because of the amount of school work I've had. Also, I've been having exams in Geography and RS so I've been revising like mad for those :( I had my RS exam yesterday and I'll have my Geog one next Wednesday. I feel completely drained, I REALLY need a holiday :( I could barely stay awake in my RS class today even though I had a good night's sleep last night.
Despite the bad parts in my life at the moment there are some good bits! :D I applied for 6 universities before Christmas and I have had 5 replies saying that if I get the grades I can go to their university!! The last one I haven't heard from yet. My aunty came on Saturday from Buxton which is about 2 hours away from here so we don't see her very often, it was nice to talk to someone different!! And I am going to start driving soon!! it is going to really help when I go on my gap year next year, I can go where ever I want!! :) :)
Well I hope you lot are ok!! For those of you that also have a lot of work to do I hope it goes well :)