I think the new dashboard is awesome. I love the idea of bringing in the avatar system, they could really use it for future games and add to the wonderful world of xbox 360. It also seems to load stuff a lot better then the other version and also looks way better. Looking forward to future updates that will make the experience that much better.
In my opinion all this mumbo jumbo about blue ray knocking dvd off the shelves doesnt bother me at all. All i'm going to do is buy dvd's untill they are completely phased out then buy blue ray players and blue ray discs at the cost of dvd's today or at an even cheaper cost. im just here to save money instead of keeping up with they hype to only get ripped off a year down the road.
this is pretty funny stuff guys. Im so glad that microsoft gives free 360's if you have the three lights of dooooom! it has happened to me twice, but no worries cause each time i recieve another i get a newer and more updated version. Its kinda tarted that i dont even really know if they are ever going to solve the hardware issue but lifes good as it is knowing thats its better then the last one.
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