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xxsitcomsxx Blog

The Ultimate Re-write/Sixth Form/Britney Spears

Another post, that's right, there is alot going on at the moment!

I will open with what can only be described as the biggest news since forever! There is a competition being put on by "Red Planet Pictures" to write a series with the winner getting £5000, representation by a top literary agent and a commision from "Red Planet Pictures"! Now, to do this, you have to write a 60-minute pilot episode, so the length of an episode of One Tree Hill or Gilmore Girls. This may seem like it sucks a bit because of my sitcom being a 22 minute sitcom. Ah, no! I have started what can only be called "The Ultimate Re-Write". I have re-planned and started a re-write of the opening episode of my sitcom. That's write, we are now in Dramady-ville! :D! New storylines and stuff too but still keeping the same stuff.

I have been enrolled into my sixth form at my school where I will be spending the next two years studying the following:

Performance Studies, MEdia Studies, Dance and English Literature & Language.

TOugh bunch of lessons right abot there! :D!

I have also discovered a secret album and set of tracks recorded by the Ledgendary Miss BRitney Spears. "The Original Doll" is its name and I have been looking on the world wide web to find it and I can't. I have, however, stumbled upon an album of unreleased tracks which I now hve in my possession! HA! The search for "THe Original Doll" continues! :D!


NEW LEVEL/Zhura Edits/Join or Perish!

Okay, I got on here this morning and I was so so so so happy! I have reached Level 8! That's right! I'm cool and a Level 8! :D!

I got an unbelievably long but very constructive comment from Jim Bennett yesterday (saturday);

First, leave camera shots out. These decisions should be made by the production team.

Second, your character descriptions are too specific. I'd generalize it. For example, Charlie Turner, tall with brown spikey hair, sophmore in high school.

Also, your leave your actor queue's out. Let the actors deliver the lines as they see fit and the director make changes as needed. This goes for parentheticals too.

Amanda mentions Krusty the Clown. He's a registered trademark by the Simpsons people. You can probably use Bozo as a general clown, but even better would be something like JoJo The Circus Freak to add more punch to your joke.

"Your actions are too long. Cut the fat, and leave the acting parts out.

Derrogitory comments should be left out, homo's, man-b!tches and "sweet ass" would not be acceptable language for network tv.

When thinking of a sitcom I think of a series of jokes, or a stand up comedy act. There are jokes here, they just need to be better written. The dialogue is ok. But, it's much like real life dialogue. TV is not real life.

Finally, double spacing makes for a more difficult read.

You've got a good blueprint. Just need to add more punch to really deliver the funny. Open up your creativity. When you are writing the punch line in dialogue, write 8-10 different possible lines. Put the one that makes you chuckle in.

Take the clown, for example.

Amanda could say

"Change your name to JoJo The Circus Freak." or...
"And take a few lessons in kabuki." or...
"And stand on a street corner." or..
you get my point..

I'm going to reserve rating this script. You've got some work to do, but there's a solid foundation."

I agree with most of these, like the stuf about camera shots and some of the words that I use. But the stuff about the dialogue I think is wrong. Don't you think it would be better if the dialogue on a sitcom could be more relatable to real life?

I really stand by what I said in my last post, if you are reading this then you know that I am right and you should join Zhura purely so you can read my scripts and comment and stuff! :D! Seriously, it is tonnes of fun, there are so many talented people on that site with so many good ideas! :D!


Zhura comments/GCSE Results/OTH/Season 4

Okay, so this has been a very very stressful week for me all because I put two of my scripts in public on ZHura and because I finally received my GCSE results! :D!

We'll start with the most important of the two.............ZHURA! :D! For the first episode I have had quite a lot of positive eg. "Your dialogue is great", "You dialogue is witty and delicious", "Your humour is smart and I would be interested in the next episode" and "The story seems well thought of and I am interested in your characters". But unfortunatly positive does not exist without a negative, eg. "Where is the comedy?", "I didn't laugh" and "It's a little hard to read." I am just thankful that they have taken the time to read it to be honest! :D! I have also got one comment on episode 2, which is; "Its a shame that some of the couples Sarah and Adrian talk about seem to be having problems, and they think that they are going to be next to fall out. Good dialogue between them, it flows really easily. You have a great knack with making it sound real. Well done." So it's kind of okay! :D! Personally, I think you should all join Zhura and read, rate and review my scripts! :D!

Okay, GCSE Results is what was really stressing me out this week because it is what I have been working for at school for the past two years! :D! But I was quite happy with them. I got;

5 A's (Drama, Dance, P.E., Physics, CHemistry)

3 B's (Biology, English, Matematics)

2 C's (ICT)

2 D's (R.E., English Literature)

Pretty good right?

I am on Season 2 of One Tree Hill now and have been introduced to the Jake/Peyton (Jeyton if you will) relationship and I am completely in love with it! They have to stay together but I know that they don't because I have seen Season 3 and 4 and I am currently watching 5! :D! Jake should come back in Season 6 and end up with Peyton because they are just the cutest. As much as I love Lucas/Peyton (Leyton if you will) he has wasted too much time messing Peyton around, he shuld end up with Brooke because Brook needs a good man! A good hot man! :D!

And finally, back to the idea of my sitcom I have been going completely insane with ideas recently and having got enough ideas for my second season I have started getting ideas together for Season 3 (I already have the Premier and Finale!) and 4. Season 4 is going to be the last Season that is in High School (so obviously it finishes when they leave for college) and I have decided to go very One Tree Hill and have a flashforward 5th/6th/7th Seasons although I only have ideas for 5. Anyway, this section is called Season 4 so clearly that means there is something important to do with Season 4 and there is! :D! I have already got my big Season Premier for Season 4 and damn it is good! :D!


4+5+19 Sitcom/Studio Audience/OTH/Parents Holiday!

Okay, first of all, I have written episode 19 on paper and I have typed episodes 4+5 on! THis is totally awesome and I am so impressed with myself! I have also been considering going public with my sitcom. This means that other members of ZHura will be able to read my sitcom, give feedback etc. I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not, so feedback from readers would be helpful! :D

Secondly, I have been considering what to do about Studio Audience for my Sitcom. Is a sitcom better if they have one or is it better if the viewers get to laugh for themselves? HELP ME!

Thirdly, I GOT ONE TREE HILL SERIES 1 AND 2 ON DVD!! YAY! I LOVE OTH!! It is the best show ever!! :D! I am already halfway through Series 1! :D :D

Finally, My parents have gone away from Thursday night to SUnday afternoon, this means that I have two nights to type as much as I can without much interruption! :D:D


Did it!


I was up until 1:15 am but I flipping done it! I have finished writing episode 13 and I have also got episode 3 up on and I have also started putting episode 4 on there!! That's right! Productive day! :D

Also, I have finally got round to it and printed off the possible subjects that can be taken in Sophomore Year of High School so now I can finally write the timetables for my characters! :D YAY!


Stuff and Stuff and more stuff!

Okay, much has changed since my last blog mostly because I haven't posted a new one! SO here goes.

In the writing area, everything has been thrown out of orbit by the fact that my co-writer is writing Episodes 14,17 and 18. Okay, I let him do that but it messes up the order of the books that I write them down in before they get typed. Once he's finished them I'll take them from him and edit as I see fit. :D

The above means that the next four episodes I am writing are 13, 16, 19 and 20. THis is really starnge as I have already written 15 and most of 16 coz we were meant to be writing 13 together.

When it comes to typing up, I have stopped using Word as I have found what can only be described as one of the single most important websites in my life!! You can type up your scripts in a professional manner and meet other writers. I have finished typing episodes 1 and 2 and I am so close to finishing 3 I can taste it!! :D

The rest of it is pretty simple, I've been regularly going to the gym, checking the forums on here and adding stuff (mostly to the Will and Grace pages!)

That's all for now!


It's been a while, I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting, But I'm here now!!

Been over w week sinc my last blog post (HOW BAD IS THAT?!) Been so busy writing and typing and gymming and dancing and...and...and...that's it!!

Okay so not much going on at the minute! LOL! Borrowed some CDs today, some Jazz! Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin and the like!! They are freaking awesome! Going to a party tonight which is gonna be tonnes of fun! NOT! Lol. No, I'm sure it'll be good! Still have to decide what to wear, clothes would be good!

I have realised how cool the iPhone is and I'm so desparate for one I could Vomit! It's so sleek and sexy (never described a phone as sexy before but this one is the absolute SEX). Only a couple of hundred quid! FREAKING ONLY?!!?

Finished Typing Episode 10! Edited all episodes from 1-10 to make them longer!---12th July! MEGA FUN STUFF!!


9 to the Gym!

Okay, so today is the day I have decided to go to the gym for only the second time since joing last month (how bad is that?!), so naturally now i am in whole lot of pain! LOL Typing aches XD

Before going to the gym I created my own little gym shorts, by cutting the bottom half of my tracksuit bottoms, they are totally fit!! LoL

I also managed to finish typing Episode 9 BOOYA! And I also started typing Episode 10 BOOYA! AND I also finished writing Episode 12 BOOYAKASHA! That means I am OFFICIALLY half way through my first season! AWESOMENESS!!


Tea and Toast at 4:49am!

I am so impressed with myself right now!! I woke up at 10am this morning and it is now 5:21am the following morning! I have been up for 19hous and 21minutes, and I have stuff to do today!! LOL. I stayed up and at about 4:30am I had a cup of tea and a slice of toast while watching "The Big Bang Theory", waiting for my time!! At 4:49am (according to the clock on my PC) I went outside and took a video on my phone of the sun rising! It was so cool! It made me appreciate nature and it also made me feel energized and exhilerated because I have never seen the sun rise before!! It is awesome, I totally recomend it!!

In other news (LOL), I have begun the writing of Episode 12 and the typing of Episode 9 at 5:20am on a Wednesday morning!! THIS IS SO COOL! I AM SUCH A REBEL!! LOL


Hell yes!

And so I have completed the typing of Episode 8- 30th June 2008! GO ME!!

It's been quite an odd day for me, I haven't really done all that much and feel kinda sluggish because of it! Staying up til morning so I can watch the sunrise. I am going to make a video of the sunrising and post it on my YouTube channel- XxcuriousgeorgexX So long as I don't fall asleep it should be on there tomorrow (1st July 2008) if you're lucky!! LOL

Also very important news, I have become a Level 3, YAY! Clearly I am new to this coz I get excited everytime I go up a percentage let alone a level!! LOL


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