Been over w week sinc my last blog post (HOW BAD IS THAT?!) Been so busy writing and typing and gymming and dancing and...and...and...that's it!!
Okay so not much going on at the minute! LOL! Borrowed some CDs today, some Jazz! Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin and the like!! They are freaking awesome! Going to a party tonight which is gonna be tonnes of fun! NOT! Lol. No, I'm sure it'll be good! Still have to decide what to wear, clothes would be good!
I have realised how cool the iPhone is and I'm so desparate for one I could Vomit! It's so sleek and sexy (never described a phone as sexy before but this one is the absolute SEX). Only a couple of hundred quid! FREAKING ONLY?!!?
Finished Typing Episode 10! Edited all episodes from 1-10 to make them longer!---12th July! MEGA FUN STUFF!!