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Zhura comments/GCSE Results/OTH/Season 4

Okay, so this has been a very very stressful week for me all because I put two of my scripts in public on ZHura and because I finally received my GCSE results! :D!

We'll start with the most important of the two.............ZHURA! :D! For the first episode I have had quite a lot of positive eg. "Your dialogue is great", "You dialogue is witty and delicious", "Your humour is smart and I would be interested in the next episode" and "The story seems well thought of and I am interested in your characters". But unfortunatly positive does not exist without a negative, eg. "Where is the comedy?", "I didn't laugh" and "It's a little hard to read." I am just thankful that they have taken the time to read it to be honest! :D! I have also got one comment on episode 2, which is; "Its a shame that some of the couples Sarah and Adrian talk about seem to be having problems, and they think that they are going to be next to fall out. Good dialogue between them, it flows really easily. You have a great knack with making it sound real. Well done." So it's kind of okay! :D! Personally, I think you should all join Zhura and read, rate and review my scripts! :D!

Okay, GCSE Results is what was really stressing me out this week because it is what I have been working for at school for the past two years! :D! But I was quite happy with them. I got;

5 A's (Drama, Dance, P.E., Physics, CHemistry)

3 B's (Biology, English, Matematics)

2 C's (ICT)

2 D's (R.E., English Literature)

Pretty good right?

I am on Season 2 of One Tree Hill now and have been introduced to the Jake/Peyton (Jeyton if you will) relationship and I am completely in love with it! They have to stay together but I know that they don't because I have seen Season 3 and 4 and I am currently watching 5! :D! Jake should come back in Season 6 and end up with Peyton because they are just the cutest. As much as I love Lucas/Peyton (Leyton if you will) he has wasted too much time messing Peyton around, he shuld end up with Brooke because Brook needs a good man! A good hot man! :D!

And finally, back to the idea of my sitcom I have been going completely insane with ideas recently and having got enough ideas for my second season I have started getting ideas together for Season 3 (I already have the Premier and Finale!) and 4. Season 4 is going to be the last Season that is in High School (so obviously it finishes when they leave for college) and I have decided to go very One Tree Hill and have a flashforward 5th/6th/7th Seasons although I only have ideas for 5. Anyway, this section is called Season 4 so clearly that means there is something important to do with Season 4 and there is! :D! I have already got my big Season Premier for Season 4 and damn it is good! :D!
