I personally don't notice that much of a difference. I think paying so much money to purchased a PS3 or computer upgrades because it is better way to go; than when you compare graphics there isn't that much of difference anways. I think we believe in the media market hype of which system is better too much of the time.
I think it is very hard to tell which is better and this console war goes on and on and on. No matter how you look at it comes down to what games you want to play, do you want to play online and what console operation system you prefer. I personally have an Xbox 360 an I love it. The reason I picked the 360 over the PS3 is because of the games and xbox live, and I didn't buy PS3 because lack of games and their online play is lackluster at best. If you base your decision just on the consoles itself you are not seeing the bigger picture. Sony is great tor hardware and MS is great for software...so it comes down to what you want as a gamer. So when decide what you want you need to look at: the Company, the console, the games, online play and the costs. Thanks
xxxTristamxxx's comments