xyber116 / Member

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I'm a shipper believer...

I'm a huge shipper. I'll admit to being a romantic at heart. Today, I'm taking a stand for Grissom and Sara shippers everywhere.

After this year's season finales, I was blown away. Really. I started hyperventilating and jumping up and down (These aren't the two best things to try at the same time). Then I proceeded to sit on the floor and repeatedly say "Oh My God" while rocking back and forth. My brother was looking at me like I had just grown a second head. He didn't understand my excitement. I went online right after it aired and everybody was having pretty much the same reaction. Albeit, some people weren't happy that Grissom and Sara are officially a couple. I have to apologize to the people whose dreams were crushed. It hurts, doesn't it?

The afterglow of the show quickly wore off unfortunately. Soon, everyone was attacking the relationship Grissom and Sara have. All the magazines published letters and articles criticizing the writers. Someone said that the age difference was too great and that Sara must have a daddy complex. Another said that Grissom and Lady Heather would be a better pair. On the other side of the road are the supporters who won't go down without a fight. I happen to be on that side. I'm going give the magazines some slack. The magazines published some pro-G/S letters, eventually. My theory was that all the G/S shippers were to happy to have written letters until the criticism started. But I don't blame the magazines for my anger. They really are just the messengers therefore I won't shoot them.

But I'm here to refute some of the arguments made by the anit-G/S. I'm first going to address the whole Grissom is too old for Sara. I think that this a terrible argument. I've heard some people say that Grissom is old enough to be Sara's dad. Well, he'd be old enough if he got some girl pregnant at 15. In real life people date with even bigger age differences. Take for example Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. They're 25 years apart. That's an even bigger difference. But yet they worked it out and had kids together. Take that you anti-G/S. On to the second point. In no way what-so-ever should Grissom and Lady Heather be together. Someone that was in support of this relationship said that they would make a good couple because they are total opposites. Yeah, well Sara and Grissom are just alike so they should be together. Mud in your eye!

In latter rants to come I'll talk about other shippers.

(I have to write all about Josh and Donna on the West Wing. What happened is better than my reaction to the CSI hook-up.)