xyber116 / Member

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In An Evily Good Mood...

I just spent the entire afternoon watching youtube videos. Good stuff really. That's what I do all day. Whatever I want, whenever I want. The life of the unemployed is sweet.

House would never have given up taking methadone. What an idiot. Cuddy was too for allowing him to take methadone in the first place. What a crappy episode and what a crappy season. I'm so freaking tired of Katie Jacobs. Get a clue producers and writers, the new format sucks. You don't even have the new actors name in the title sequence. I would be on the phone with my agent saying that I want my name on the screen or I want out.

But I guess it's not as bad as Grey's Anatomy. It's like the guide to "How To Turn A Good Show Bad." Shonda don't do two shows if you can't keep up the good writing. Why not just kill all the characters or have them written off and start over again? That's excatly what's happening right now.

I f***ing knew it. Charles Widmore was supposed to lead the others. And he totally should have figured out that John Locke was timing traveling. Ben, oh Ben, how I love to hate you. If I ever meet anyone named Ben, I don't think I'll be able to trust him. I really hope that Locke kicks Ben's a**. That be awesome. I mean wouldn't you beat up the guy that killed you? Who wouldn't? I mean you're back from the dead, what's the worst that could happen? I'm also wondering were everybody landed. Way exciting.

Oh, one last thing. In "Lie to Me" Episode 4, the outside exterior shots of the Korean Embassy, are also the outside shots for "JAG" Headquarters. Somewhat crazy that I know that.

Everybody be well. Thanks for reading.