Okay I'm really excited and you can't really see me as you read this so I thought that I'd do the typical stupid internet thing and post a bunch of :D:D:D:D:D:!
It's only 5 more days until my birthday. I'm super excited. Hopefully everybody I invite will be able to come. My mom is planning some sort of suprise. My boss almost couldn't come but then we worked it out and he's coming. I was almost super disappointed. Everybody might think it's weird that I'm invinting both my bosses but I'm really close with both of them.
But my dad might not make it. He's on business half way across the country. He's trying to find an ealier flight home but no luck so far. It wouldn't be the first time he's missed my birthday. The first time he missed it because he was out fighting a forest fire. He left the day after his birthday and came home the day after my birthday. That was two weeks.
Oh, and TV related. I've discovered Hell's Kitchen. It's a great show and Gordon Ramsey is awesome.
Well, I hope everybody else is having a great week.