Well, I only have about 5 months of school left before I enter the real world. Until recently (the last few weeks), I had no idea what I was going to do with my life.
I had to considered my options carefully because I've taken out school loans that will start payments six months after I graduate which isn't bad since the interest won't start until then either.
I had considered staying in school to get my second degree but that would have been another two years for the undergraduate studies plus one for the Bachelor's of Fine Arts. I said no way to three more years of school. I simply can't do it.
My other option was to find a job and start working. Well, it's good idea and all but if I wanted to stay in the same location I would have to find some useless, low paying job. I said no thank you. I could move but I also don't want to live in a really crowded city. I'm from a very small town of less than 4,000 people.
My very last option that I've considered heavily and with lots of care is joining the military. I've wanted to join the Air Force since I was like 10 when I saw some amazing air craft at an Air Force that my uncle was stationed at. There are some great benefits of joining the military. I know that right now people are like don't join the military because you'll get sent to Iraq and die. But I've considered all that and the likelihood of me getting sent to the front lines while being in the Air Force are slim. If I was going to join the Army, the chances would be a lot higher.
But finally I made a decision about two weeks ago about what I wanted to do. I'm joining the Air Force and I'm going to be a dog handler through the Security Forces. I'm totally excited. I talked to my parents about it and they are okay with the whole thing but are still very much worried. My boyfriend supports me one hundred percent which is awesome. He said that he would here for me when I'm gone. He said he would make sure my family is taken care of. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
But I think the best reaction out of anybody I've told is my two bosses. Every year my jobs has yearly performance reviews and they always ask what are you going to do after you graduate. Prior to this time, I had no idea and that's what I would tell them and they would talk about me getting a job. But this time I told them that I was going to join the Air Force and both of them were shocked to say the least. My guy boss is a designer and that's what I'm currently doing in school. He's really been supportive of me doing this and he was totally shocked and thought it was a complete change. But I'm really lucky that they still support with the decision of going into the Air Force. I think I also impressed them my knowledge about what I wanted to do and how to go about doing it.
Anyway, I only recently decided to be a dog handler. I had been thinking about the Security Forces or Explosive Ordnance Disposal area and then I stumbled upon a section talking about being a dog handler. I remembered along time ago watching a few programs about dog handling and instantly thought, that's what I'm going to do. It was like BAM! I had it all figured out. The best part is that I can probably get the Air Force to pay back all my loans and send me to school for a second degree. That would be awesome. The enlistment bonus should also be a good sized one for joining the Security Forces (it's just a special name for Military Police). But the only down side is that I can't be a dog handler and an officer so it means lower pay. I'm not too worried about it though. I could be a Non Commissioned Officer possibly. I think the only thing I'm really worried about is basic. I'm worried I won't be able to keep up physically.
Alright, that's pretty much it since I've made this a really long blog. Everybody have a nice weekend.