That's a really long title but I like it.
My ankle is still bruised behind anything I've ever done. I'm going to post some pictures. I didn't break anything but I did tear somethinig. I had a really hard time walking around for about 4 days. It hurts today but that's probably because I ran on it yesterday. I only ran because I wanted to win our company contest.
I'm not going to talk about the House season finale becuase I think I've posted enough about it over on the House forum.
But I could talk about Studio 60. I'm so glad it's back on. I totally forgot it was on yesterday and I was surfing the channels thinking that I wasn't tired and there was nothing on. That's when I happened upon it. It was a happy accident.
Finals are coming up. I'm dreding them. I have a paper, quiz, project, and two finals. It totally sucks. But I'm almost done and then I'm going to go hang out with my boyfriend. It's going to be tons of fun. Then I'm going to work for the week in between ****s and I'll get paid really good money.
Gas prices are going back down. How could you not be happy about that? Also, I figured out where to park and stay in the shade all day long. That way, my car stays nice and cool.
That's pretty much it for this week. Everybody have a nice weekend and week.