Holidays seem to always go to fast for me, anyway while the holiday i brought Gears of War, i think it is a great game and it it feels like a new gaming experience the singleplayer and multiplayer is absolutely amazing especially the new online mode Annex, im currently trying to finish the game on hardcore and then insane because i have only finished on casual. While i brought Gears of War I brought Perfect Dark Zero, it seems a alright game but i was to distracted by Gears of War to play it to much. Also while i was at Ebgames i preorded Mass Effect (yes i know preordering is totally useless and now the rumors of it being delayed till September), Mass Effect is one of the games i am most looking forward to this year. Also i at last got my brother(he keeps beating me in Guitar Hero 2) to let me borrow Crackdown it is a very short game and very repetive but fun i finshed it like in a few days. So what did you guys think of Gears of War?(if you have it)
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