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An Atheist Christmas

Just expressing myself. By the way, I'm Atheist. ~ROFLMAO~ XD

An Atheist Christmas

Five Biggest Lies About Christians

Respect? Religion? Pt1

Atheists are wrong - lets kill them!!!

An Atheist Meets God

If Jesus Ran For President...

Jesus Mockery

On 6-6-6:Bush Announces Mark of The Beast System

Signs of the End! lol

Christianity is Pagan

Foamy - Deck waving

You'll have to YouTube these. Since GameSpot won't let me post the links.

Phelps Family on Tyra Part 1

Phelps Family On Tyra Banks Show Part 2

If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

The Rapture - You NEED To See This

Dalai Lama's Millennium Message

...*sigh* Read this, all of it. If U have time of course. And here I thought I was the only one...-_-

"Many people seem to be excited about the new millennium, but the new
millennium in itself will be nothing special. As we enter into the new millennium things
will be the same; there will be nothing unusual. However, if we really want the next
millennium to be happier, more peaceful and more harmonious for humankind we will have to
make the effort to make it so. This is in our hands, but especially in the hands of the
younger generation.

We have had many experiences during this century - constructive as
well as extremely destructive ones. We must learn from these experiences. We need to
approach the next millennium more holistically, with more openness and farsightedness. If
we are going to make the right kind of efforts to make the future of the world better, I
believe the following matters are of great importance.

1. While engaging in material progress and taking care of physical
well-being we need to pay equal attention to developing peace of mind and thus taking care
of the internal aspect of our being.

2. Along with education, which generally deals only with academic
accomplishments, we need to develop more altruism and a sense of caring and responsibility
for others in the minds of the younger generation studying in various educational
institutions. This can be done without necessarily involving religion. One could therefore
call this 'secular ethics', as it in fact consists of basic human qualities such as
kindness, compassion, sincerity and honesty.

3. This past century in some ways has been a century of war and
bloodshed. It has seen a year by year increase in defense spending by most countries in
the world. If we are to change this trend we must seriously consider the concept of
non-violence, which is a physical expression of compassion. In order to make non-violence
a reality we must first work on internal disarmament and then proceed to work on external
disarmament. By internal disarmament I mean ridding ourselves of all the negative emotions
that result in violence. External disarmament will also have to be done gradually, step by
step. We must first work on the total abolishment of nuclear weapons and gradually work up
to total demilitarisation throughout the world. In the process of doing this we also need
to work towards stopping the arms trade, which is still very widely practiced because it
is so lucrative. When we do all these things, we can then hope to see in the next
millennium a year by year decrease in the military expenditure of the various nations and
a gradual working towards demilitarisation. Human problems will, of course, always remain,
but the way to resolve them should be through dialogue and discussion. The next century
should be a century of dialogue and discussion rather than one of war and bloodshed.

4. We need to address the issue of the gap between the rich and the
poor, both globally and nationally. This inequality, with some sections of the human
community having abundance and others on the same planet going hungry or even dying of
starvation, is not only morally wrong, but practically also a source of problems. Equally
important is the issue of freedom. As long as there is no freedom in many parts of the
world there can be no real peace and in a sense no real freedom for the rest of the world.

5. For the sake of our future generations, we need to take care of
our earth and of our environment. Environmental damage is often gradual and not easily
apparent and by the time we become aware of it, it is generally too late.

Since most of the major rivers flowing into many parts of south-east
Asia originate from the Tibetan plateau, it will not be out of place to mention here the
crucial importance of taking care of the environment in that area.

6. Lastly, one of the greatest challenges today is the population

Unless we are able to tackle this issue effectively we will be
confronted with the problem of the natural resources being inadequate for all the human
beings on this earth.

We need to seriously look into these matters that concern us all if
we are to look forward to the future with some hope."

P.S. Who's Dalai Lama? o.O

Family Moral...

I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend
and I had been dating for over a year, and so we
decided to get married. There was only one little
thing bothering me... It was her beautiful younger

My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore
very tight miniskirts and generally was bra-less.
She would regularly bend down when she was near me
and I always got more than a nice view. It had to
be deliberate because she never did it when she was
near anyone else.

One day her "little" sister called and asked me to
come over to check the wedding invitations. She was
alone when I arrived and she whispered to me that
she had feelings and desires for me that she
couldn't overcome.

She told me that she wanted me just once before I
got married and committed my life to her sister.
Well, I was in total shock and couldn't say a word.
She said, "I'm going upstairs to my bedroom and if
you want one last wild fling, just come up and get

I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her
go up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, then
turned and made a beeline straight to the front
door. I opened the door and headed straight towards
my car.

Lo and behold, my entire future family was
standing outside, all clapping. With tears in his
eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and said "We are
very happy that you have passed our little test. We
couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter.
Welcome to the family."

And the moral of this story is?

A Man and a Murder

Can U solve this riddle?

A man goes home at 4pm and see his wife cooking, he then goes take a nap and when he woke up (at 7pm) a marvelous dinner was prepared. At 10 pm they go to bed. In the morning at 7am, he killed her. Why?

Truth-Village and False-Village

Can u solve this riddle?

There was a traveler...
he came upon 2 roads...
one road leads to false-village
and the other leads to truth-village
the traveler needs to go to truth-village
in front of the roads stood a man...
he said the traveler could only ask him ONE question...
the traveler needs to ask him which road leads to truth-village
the man came from one of the towns...
and those who are from truth-village tell ONLY the truth...
and those who are from false-village lie
this means... the man can be from either truth-village or false-village
HOWEVER the traveler doesn't know which town hes from...

I've been stuck with this for years.

I GOT IT! Ahem...[spoiler] which path is the best path to take if someone wanted to be with a bunch of liars?Please point to and tell me the correct path [/spoiler] HELL YEAH!~ I'm a genius! XD Suck My Balls Y'all!~ Ahem, got alittle out of hand more a minute. Go ahead and try to deny the answer. I Dare U! U can't prove me wrong! 'Cause I Double Check! :P

I Don't Like Poems

I don't Like Poems

Poems are dumb

Poems aren't fun

I don't like them, I'd rather run

Try to catch me if U dare

You'll never catch me anywher

I'll hide in the street while eating peeps

I'll hide in a car, but I won't go far

I'll go down a sewer, wher the population is fewer

I'll just keep running never stunning

Try to catch me if U dare

You'll never find me anywher

A poem I wrote in class. I realy like poems that's just the name of the poem. ^ ^

I Can't Write A Poem

I can't write a poem

We're in the middle of a storm

I'm on top of the superdome

I need to use the phone

My hand is broken

My neighbor's smokein'

The guy next to me is pokein'

Now I'm smokein'

You've got to be jokein'

Don't tell me to stop smokein'

You stop smokein'

I saw U around the block smokein' pott

Yea U and yor little friend over there too

Don't lie

Don't cry

It's ok

Let's walk

Lets talk


Your gay

I'll be your friend anyway

Another poem I wrote in school.

Life and Death Poem

Living, breathing, butterflies, grass, green
Sun flowers, growing, trees, leaves, joyful, ecstatic
Walking, jogging, running, speeding, shooting, killing, stabbing
Shot, stabbed, punched, frightened, jumped, beathin'
Bleeding, blood, dark, quite, silent, nothing, gone

A poem I wrote in school again about life and death....kinda.



Like a stalking cat

A streaking rat

Burning oil

A dirty girl

Like sweat licorice


Another poem I wrote in class

~2 New Sigs~

I made 2 new sigs yesterday. And after constintly redoin' it over and over again I finaly came up with these 2. Which one is best? I already picked the one I'm gonna use though, but not gonna use it yet. ^^


couldn't find a better place for the text, so ignor the text on this one.


This one I like best, and I found a perfect place for my name. YAY!~ ^.^


Or is my old sig better?

P.S. If U can't see them tell me and I'll post the images usein' IMG.

EDIT: Ok, I made 2 new versions of Ultimatesig2 (U can see the names by putin' mouse over image) check 'em out. And is my old one realy better?


Not much of a difference realy.

EDIT...AGAIN: Time for a another change I guese. Check these 2 out. And I'll tell y'all again put your mouse thingy over the picture to see the name, but it takes like 2 seconds.


U might wanna save 'em to your computer to see the whole thing.

EDIT FINAL: I made another, again, that I think I did better with as a sig.


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