yarow12 / Member

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Truth-Village and False-Village

Can u solve this riddle?

There was a traveler...
he came upon 2 roads...
one road leads to false-village
and the other leads to truth-village
the traveler needs to go to truth-village
in front of the roads stood a man...
he said the traveler could only ask him ONE question...
the traveler needs to ask him which road leads to truth-village
the man came from one of the towns...
and those who are from truth-village tell ONLY the truth...
and those who are from false-village lie
this means... the man can be from either truth-village or false-village
HOWEVER the traveler doesn't know which town hes from...

I've been stuck with this for years.

I GOT IT! Ahem...[spoiler] which path is the best path to take if someone wanted to be with a bunch of liars?Please point to and tell me the correct path [/spoiler] HELL YEAH!~ I'm a genius! XD Suck My Balls Y'all!~ Ahem, got alittle out of hand more a minute. Go ahead and try to deny the answer. I Dare U! U can't prove me wrong! 'Cause I Double Check! :P