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Edited By yasae

Funny how most of the music in this vid is from Alien 3.

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Edited By yasae

Blah blah blah, the point is mainly that they're dishonest.... Sorry. If there's going to be shortages and pushed launch dates, just say so in advance. It's the fact that they keep sitting on a story which they know isn't true... That's what pisses me off, not shortages. We knew those were going to happen. I had a hard time trusting Sony to begin with - the PS2 launch caused that. Then they come around and do it again. It's obviously a game to them because I'm sure a marketing director is somewhere in HQ saying "Do whatever the hell you want, it's not going to stop the thing from selling." Microsoft had inflated launch numbers as well (I bet that'll continue when they release a succesor to the 360), BUT they weren't nearly as flagrant and this is their second console. This is Sony's third... Can they get with the freaking program already?