The funniest thing about the near-perfect, surely classic first game of the series, Assassin's Creed, is that it is brought to you by Freemasons, at least the decision makers and main executives behind the game, so you can battle the former Freemasons, the Knights Templar, based on partially true events, or actual history.
The amount of truth and real history in Assassin's Creed is surprising. The amount of truth and honest representation in the game of Illuminati or Freemasonic thinking is staggering, even perplexing. Why would Freemasons or the Illuminati share with gamers so much truth and have them fight against the ancestors of Freemasons, the Templars? I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise. The Illuminati, after all, like to play such tricks; it makes them feel more superior than the masses, and in a way, they are quite right. After all again, most people who would read this blog post are gonna laugh at me, and pull the "tin foil" and so-called "conspiracy theory" jokes and lines of half-witty sarcasm. Most people cannot fathom that this is real life and real history. And they'd never, ever imagine that the Illuminati themselves are letting you fight them in a game. It's all really ridiculous indeed. I myself can't claim that I fully understand it, and that's a big reason why those elite do what they gives them a limitless sense of superiority to confuse even the intelligent and well-read among "outsiders" or the riffraff.
Anyway, the point is that for anyone who cares about all this or studies and reads about such things in the world, you should know that Assassin's Creed was brought to you at least paritally by the Knights Templars themselves, who are simply called the Freemasons today, as you should already know if you studied these things before. And the signs of the game being brought to you, at least partially, by them are there if you know what to look for. And the Illuminati are just the leaders or elite of the elite, so to speak; "Illuminati" is not some tin-foil, conspiracy theory umbrella term; it's actually just a non-official umbrella term for the leaders of the Freemasons, or their elite.
For the rest, continue to "lol" your life away, and don't concern yourself with what you just read; nobody cares about your sarcasm, nor do you look remotely witty or intelligent babbling it. This is a note to whom it may concern, that's all.