HI GUYS! It's you're friendly neighborhood TOAST!!How has everyone in the Gamespot world been? I haven't been blogging at all I've been sinking myself in the forums so my apoligies... oooook first, I have been spending a lot of time (90+ hours or so :twisted: ) in the vast world of SKYRIM!!!!! So I figured I would take a break from the forums and the other real life, (Skyrim) and make..... A BLOG! *Gasp* Ok so my little blog is done now so bye
yeahtoast26 Blog
Battlefield 3 Beta Impressions
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
Hello everyone this is my first blog entry in months I'm going to give my impressions of Battlefield 3's Multiplayer Beta! so here we go...
With stunning visuals that beat any game I have ever seen, very realistic movements, and a great ranking system tied in to great gameplay make gamers looking foreward to the full masterpiece. But Battlefield 3's Beta has many issues such as: Lag- this is a given for every beta but you will find yourself shooting a guy, then him killing you. but 5 seconds later he dies, this is very frustrating and is a big turn off. (again, this is just the beta so Dice is going to fix this.) Vehicles- In the beta I was really hoping to see some gameplay of vehicles because Battlefield is know for it's vehicle combat and big maps. But the map that was showed in the beta had no vehicles whatsoever. Lack of explosive enviroments- This I was hoping Dice would do as good as (if not better than) Battlefield Bad Company, but sadly the explosiveness of things in the game is very limited and I hope they fix this in the full game. Sounds- The game sounds a little muffled with the guns.
So that's a few problems with the beta. but the game's multiplayer is nonetheless entertaining and addicting. (I am a level 12 :P )
This IS BAD!
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
Hello everyone I have just remembered MY UNION HAS NOT BEEN FORMED YET! ok so if you havent accepted the union invite i wish that you would exept it so we can be on our way with the union! Thank you.
OH WAIT!one more thing... IM GOING TO THE BEACH! yes im about to leave so everyone be jealous lol! ok bye :)
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
Hi everyone! I'm back early because of E3! Here are my favorite games that grabbed my eye...
Farcry 3,
Halo 4,
Mass Effect 3,
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim,
Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary,
Battlefield 3,
Batman Arkam City,
Ghost Recon Future Soldier,
Assassins Creed Revalations,
Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception,
Forza Motorsport 4,
Gears of War 3,
im just going to stop trying
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
hello everyone ive decided to just stop trying to be an active member on GS so ive decided to leave. im sorry its just been too hard to stay active because ive had chores and school and a lot of other things on my mind so im leaving.
BUUUUUUUUUUUUT ill be back in summer and try harder to stay here so its not over. so i will be back im not "gone forever":P and "i will not die":P ok ill stop im sure i could find a song for everything im writing here. (i should try that some time) :P ok so ill be back soon so stay active everybody, and dont do anything important without me, or i will do something " without you" >: )
OH one more thing. if you havent added me on psn my ID is yeahtoast26 as always and if you have killzone 3 please add me and i would love to play with you!
ok so a couple more things.... on killzone 3 i did an amazing game. i had 73 kills and 23 deaths!!!!! that was really fun.
and i am in a clan on killzone 3 now called Visari's Assassins and these guys are good and its fun so if any of you are in a clan and are up for a clan vs clan match... we are here.
ok so thats all i think and i will see you in the summer... at ease ~yeahtoast26
just platinumed killzone 3!
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
hello everyone and happy late easter! i have just earnede my first platinum trophy! its killzone 3!
i plan to platinum bulletstorm when i get it too :)
all the things i did on april fools! :twisted:
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
hi everyone i decided to tell everyone of my pranks on april fools so here i go! :twisted:
#1 taped the sinks hose.
i got two people with this and got one on tape :P
#2 saran wrapped the toilet seat
someone realized this and took it off :cry:
#3 TPed my sisters bedroom
#4 took the doornob off the bathroom
#5 typed stuff on my moms facebook
and thats all. nothing too good just some scattered pranks across the house.
ok i made my union!
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
hello everyone i have just finished making my union!. its called the zombie apocalypse union! so if i sent you a message to be a charter member please exept it so i can get the union going as fast as possible! and once the union is up invite all of your friends to join and please try as hard as you can to keep it active. heres the banner for now and if we need another one we can make it later thank you :)
got killzone 3!
by yeahtoast26 on Comments
hi people i decided to make a 5 second blog saying that i got killzone 3 and just beat the single player and am now moving on to the multiplayer. :)
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