It has come to my attention that Team Ninja is making a sequel to the most recent Ninja Gaiden games for the DS, modeling them very closely to the crazy/insane action of the console games.
Sure, it might be fun, but do you think those tiny screens will create even close to the same level intensity? Will those tiny speakers even come close to the sounds of clashing steel produced by an Xbox or ps3?
Now, it might appear that I'm getting off topic, but I promise, it will relate.
Super Mario Bros. Undeniably one of the greatest, most important games ever made. There have been so many sequels and reworkings, but everyone has always rememberd the original.
And what has been the best sequel in ages? The reworking of the original side-scroller. They even took out a lot of the bells and whistles that we all came to love. No capes. No ridable dinosaurs. Not even a raccoon feather, and god was it amazing.
I'm pretty sure that if they followed this same template for Ninja Gaiden, and reworked the original NES version (still one of my very favorite games), the product would be one of the best games produced in ages, and worrying about technology far too much would not dampen any of the gameplay.
And hey, can you remake Contra too, while you're at it?